12; I don't have a crush

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"What?" he finally puts me down again.

We're about one hundred meters from the venue away but I already say a long queue in front of it.

"We have to get inside without too many people seeing us. I know what we have to do. Put your hood on. We'll go to this security guard there" he points at a man in a uniform.

"We have to walk fast but not too fast and look to the ground." he explains.

We both put our hoods on and start walking towards the man he pointed on before.

When we're there Daniel speaks a few words to the man and shows him a backstage pass or something.

The man looks up before leading us to a side entrance.

"Thank you!" I say when we're inside.

"You don't need to thank me, it's my job." he says but smiles.

He tells us where we have to go before he opens the door again and leaves.

I see a few girls point in our direction but I think everything is fine.

I look at my phone.

It's nearly 2pm, we should hurry up.

"Uhm Daniel, why did we had to do that?" I ask while taking my hood off.

"It isn't fun walking through a croud of fans without any security. It's fun to meet some fans, but a croud like that can be dangerous." he explains while we start walking.

We go to the stage where the girl who opens before Eben has her sound check.

I think she sleeps in the other bus where the managers are sleeping too.

When she's finished I walk to her.

"Hey I'm Sky." I introduce myself.

"Ah you're Daniel's friend from Germany right?" she asks.

"Yes that's right." I say.

"I'm Taylor by the way" she says.

We both sit down and talk a little, but I have the feeling she doesn't really pays attention.

It seems like she's looking not into my face but over my shoulder.

I turn around to see what she's starring at... Eben.

We talk a little longer but she keeps staring over my shoulder.

"You like Eben, don't you?" I ask.

"What, why, how do you know?" she say and turns completely red.

"You keep staring at him." I laugh.

"Shush. Don't tell anyone. I don't want him to find out." she says.

"Don't worry, your secret is save." I laugh.

"Okay good. But now I wanna know your crush too!" she says.

"No. I don't have a crush at the moment!" I lie.

"Sorry, but I don't believe you. I bet it's Daniel. It would be like one of these high school stories: In love with the best friend, but both don't tell each other because they don't wanna destroy the friendship until something dramatic happens and they get together and go to prom together. Oh and the girl dates her best friend's friend before the dramatic change." she says smiling.

If only she know how close it is to the truth.

"Okay so who is it?" she asks.

But luckily before I get to answer someone calls me.

"Sky! Are you coming?" Daniel shouts.

They finished their sound check.

"Sorry gotta go, good luck for the show!" I say and run to Daniel.

In the last second I trip over a wire.

"Ahh" I shout but the next second I feel myself landing in Daniel's strong arms.

He looks down to me.

Good his eyes are so beautiful.

I stare into his eyes.

They are just like the ocean... I love the ocean.

Daniel blushes and puts me on my feet again.

"Uhmmm" he puts his hand behind his head "Limelight starts now, I wanted to show you a room where you can wait." he says.

"Mhhh" I say.

I can't concentrate on what he's saying all I can think about is how cute blushing Daniel is.

I'm in a room with couches and many snacks.

I take out my phone and scroll through Instagram.

My account isn't private anymore because I got so many follow requests.

In shortest time some many fanpages started following me.

I'm getting tagged in soo many posts.

I look at the last few posts I'm tagged in. I see the selfie we took with Cora and Clara.

The caption says: "I just met Daniel and Sky! They were so cute together and they wore matching hoodies! Sky is so nice, I love her!"

I like the picture and comment: "I love you too. It was so nice meeting you!"

The next pictures are the two of us walking through the city and having lunch.

The following is a video of Daniel throwing me over his shoulder. The caption says: "Ugh they two are relationship goals. I ship them so much! I mean how cute is this? I'm so happy for Daniel"

I smile.

The video is really cute.

I save it.

I hear voices from the corridor.

The door opens.

"Dude you should tell her!" Corbyn says walking in backwards.

The others follow him.

He turns around.

"Ohh hi Sky." he says a little bit shocked.

"Tell who what?" I ask curious.

"Nothing..." Jonah says.

"An issue with my mic." Daniel blushes.

He's lying.

I'll ask him about it later.

We talk a little until someone comes in.

"Guys, you have to get dressed, show starts soon." he tells them.

"You're Sky, right? You can watch the show from the side of the stage.

I'll show you where you can stand." he explains.

I stand up, wave goodbye and wish them good luck.

I'm standing at the side of stage.

Taylor already started and I can tell she's rocking the stage.

I see Eben coming to me.

"Hi! Shouldn't you get ready for your act?" I ask.

"I'm ready." he explains.

"She's good!" I say and point at Taylor.

"Yeah she is!" he says.

"I should go now, bye" he adds.

"Good luck!" I shout but I'm not sure weather he heared it or not.

When Taylor finished her last song I immediately run to her and hug her.

"You were fantastic!" I say.

"Aww thank you. I have the feeling today was indeed really good." she says.

I hug her once more before she goes to put on something different.

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