3; You got taller

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Anna and Jonah leave the room and I decide to unpack my things.

I hear the radio from the kitchen and without realizing I start dancing a little to the beat.

"You're cute." I hear a familiar voice.

I look up and see Daniel leaning in the doorframe smiling at me.

I literally run to him and hug him so hard, he nearly falls, he stumbles backwards and crashes into the wall but he just smiles and hugs me back.

"I missed your hugs Sky" he laughs.

"Not as much as I missed yours" I tell him and he laughs more.

"You got taller" he says as he let me go.

"Your hair looks good." I say, get on my tiptoes and wave through his hair.

The last time I saw him his hair was completely blonde.

Now the tips are more lile silver and you can see brown shine through from the hairansatz.

I take a step back and look at him.

He looks older and he's more tanned than last time.

"You look older, it fits you." I tell him.

"By the way, I buyed cupcakes, should we eat them? I bet you're hungry." he asks.

"Oh yeah. Let me just get something really quick." I say and get the presents I already put on the desk while unpacking.

"Did you got presents for us? You really didn't needed to." Daniel says as he saees them.

"I knew you would say that but I wanted to."

Together we go back to the others.

They already got plates and the cupcakes.

We sit down at the table.
They all want to start eating but I interrupt them: "Wait, I got presents for you!"

I hand them their presents. Anna opens hers first.

"OMG that's so cute. This skirt is literally perfect! Thank you so much!" she shouts.

Afterwards the boys opens their candy and they are totally amazed.

"OMG I'm so curious what you got me, I mean I have everything I need. It's probably not a piece of clothing because I bet you don't know my size!" Daniel says.

"What?! I do know your size! Maybe only because I asked Anna but I know it now!" I say.

Daniel just laughs at me

"Just open it already!" Zach interrupts us.

Daniel quickly unwraps his present.

When he sees what I got him he starts laughing.

"Seriously Sky?" he laughs.

"Put it on, please" I beg and when he finally puts it on we can't stop laughing.

He looks so funny but also cute.

Corbyn immediately takes his phone and starts recording.

"Look what Daniel got! Now he's a complete giraffe!" he laughs.

"I hate you Sky!" Daniel says but laughs too.

"Aww I love you too!" I shout back and everybody laughs.

"Wait what do you wanna do with the video?!" Daniel asks suddenly.

"Uhmm post it on Instagram?" Corbyn answers.

"Wait nooo." Daniel says and his face drops.

"Sorry dude it's already out. I can take it down again?" he offers.

"No, no it's alright." Daniel answers and smiles but I know he's still mad.

I know what Daniel's problem is.

He always tried to not publish our friendship, cause I know he had some public friendships, where his friends got lot of hate from fans.

He lost some good friends due to that.

He doesn't wants to lose me.

I drag him to side quickly.

"Daniel it's okay! You can't see me in the video and barely understand my name, they won't find me. Everything is alright!" I say.

"You sure?" he ask.

"Yeah of course! But let's eat some cupcakes now!" I decide and walk back to the table

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