2; Can't wait to see you again

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It's early Saturday morning and I'm at the airport, I'm through all security checks and waiting for the boarding.

Bored I send a weird Snapchat selfie to Daniel.

Only seconds later I get a snap back.

Daniel's laying on his bed, his eyes are closed and a smile is on his face.

"Can't wait to see you again" he wrote with a heart.

"Aww ly2 but why are you awake?! You should be sleeping!" I text back.

"I know but I can't. I wanna call you..." he writes back with another cute selfie of him.

"I can't, sry my boarding starts, but we'll see each other in a few hours!" I tipe before I get up to go into the plane.

I sleep the most of the flighttime or watch Netflix.

I'm looking really forward to seeing all of them again.

Daniel introduced his bandmates to me when they were on their first europe tour.

They are all so kind and funny.

We had a really good time together.

I'm really glad that Daniel is with them.

When he first came home from idol he was very depressed and thought he was awful and stuff.

He often called me late in the night crying cause he was so disappointed in his self.

I was always there for him and he was always there for me.

I'm really good friends with Anna but Daniel and I are, like on a higher level.

I was the first one he told about his first kiss and whenever I had a problem he was the first who would know.

Fun fact: The video of Jonah breaking the Tourbus was ment to only get send to me, because one time they were in Germany he sat on my desk and - guess what - it broke.

But Daniel accidentally sent it to the whole world.

Corbyn recorded Daniel when he recognized that he sent it wrong and this video is even funnier than the other video.

When the plane finally lands in LA I'm on the one hand so hyped, on the other hand so tired.

It's weird because in Germany it would be evening but here it is only noon.

I text Anna that I landed and head to the baggage carousel to get my suitcases.

Afterwards I head to the place where I should meet Anna and Jonah.

I can see them from far and Anna starts to run towards me.

When she reaches me she hugs me so fast that I nearly fall to the ground.

I put my head on my shoulder and say "Gosh I missed you so much."

We hug for five more minutes until I let her go.

Jonah is standing behind Anna, but he is not alone as I expected.

Corbyn and Zach are with him too.

I hug them all too and tell them how much I've missed them.

"Why are you here too?" I ask Corbyn and Zach.

"We finished earlier in the studio, but Daniel and Jack are still there. They will come directly to Daniels." Corbyn explains.

We head to the car and put all of my luggage into the trunk.

"Geez, Sky how much stuff did you took with you?!" Jonah asks as he puts it in.

"Uhmm, sorry but I'll be here for 6 weeks, I need it" I explain.

After a 20 minute ride we're there.

The boys help me with my luggage.

Daniel lives in a house with Tyler and Christian and it looks really cool.

Daniel already showed me the whole house on FaceTime and I'm so excited to see it in real life.

I hug Jack when I hear a bark from inside.

A dog runs towards me and excitedly jumps around me.

"Hey Kobe" I say while his head

"Daniel said he had to go to the shop quick, he'll be here in five." Jack says.

"Should I show you your room?" Anna asks.
"Yes please." I answer.

I grab one of my suitcases, Jonah helps me with the rest.

Anna leads us to a white room with a big window to the backyard.

There's a bed standing at one side and a desk and a clother on the other.

There are some pictures of Daniel on the wall.

Some are with the band, some with his family, siblings and friends.

I see one of the two of us, when I was a baby and he is holding me and one of my favorite pictures we took last summer.

He visited me in Germany and we went to this beautiful sunflower field. He's piggybacking me and we're both smiling to the camera.

A/N: Hi I hope you guys like it so far. Please vote and comment, so I know what you think!

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