15; Kinda jealous

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As I walk in I see about 25 girls standing across the room talking to the boys.

Nobody seems to recognize me at first, so I directly walk towards Zach.

He's talking to some girls and I wait for them to finish.

Finally he gives them one last hug and they go.

I quickly jump forward so i don't have to wait any longer.

"Hi Zach, I need your help." I say.

"Oh hi Sky, why are you here?" he looks confused.

"Jon sent me. They can't find your mic, where have you put it after the soundcheck?" I ask.

"Oh damn, let me think one minute..."

I look over my shoulder and see some girls looking into my direction.

I don't wanna make anyone disappointed.

"Ah I know it!" Zach shouts out.

"I left it in the snack room. It's in the microwave!" he says proudly.

"Uhm... Why is your microphone in the microwave?" i question him.

"Uhm... Jack and I thought it would be funny, you know the MICROphone in the MICROwave!" he explains.

"Okay I gotta go, see you later."

I wanna leave the room when I hear someone saying my name, so I turn around.

"Yes?" two girls are standing behind me.

"Uhm, we know we're actually here to take photos with the boys, but could we take one with you too?" they ask.

"Yeah sure, no problem!" I say and take a selfie with them.

I wanna leave for real but suddenly there's another group of girls standing in front of me.

"Could we take a picture with you too?" they ask.

"I would really love to take photos with y'all, but I really gotta go tell Jon something, maybe I'll be right back okay?" i explain and really leave the room now.

Jon is sitting on a chair about 10 meters away from the door.

"You were quick!" he says as he sees me.

"It's in the microwave in the room with the snacks." I say

"What? In the microwave?!" he asks.

"Zach and Jack thought it was funny because the MICROphone is in the MICROwave." I explain.

"Oh my god. How is he even living?" he says.

I laugh.

"I'm gonna go get the microphone now." he says and turns.

"Uhm Jon just one more question. Could I go back inside there are some girls who wanna have pictures with me?" I ask.

"Uhm... Yes. If they ask you anything private about you, the boys or their families just don't answer. And don't steal the limelight from the boys." he laughs.

"Sure! See you later!" I say and open the door again.

Immediately two girls spot me and point at me.

Unfortunately they are standing right next  to Daniel at the moment.

He looks up from a phone he's filming a video with.

At first he looks confused but then blushes and smiles bright at me.

I decide that I should walk over to them.

"Look there's Sky!" I hear him say to the camera.

I'm standing next to him now.

"She's my bestie!" he says proudly and pulls me into a hug.

"Hi!" he says into my hair.

"What are you doing here?" he asks when he pulls off.

"They couldn't find Zachs microphone so Jon sent me to ask him and on my way out some girls wanted to take a picture with me and then other girls wanted pictures too but I told them I had to go but asked Jon whether I could come back here and he was okay with it and here I am!" I say.

"Ohh. Of course it was Zach who lost his mic" Daniel laughs

"Uhm sorry...? Could we take a picture with you two?" a random girl asks me.

"Of course!" I say smiling.

The girl pulls out her phone and we take a selfie.

Soon more girls come over and ask me to get photos with them or even sign their stuff!

I'm standing across the room talking to a girl when I see how Daniel kisses a girl on the cheek for a photo.

I feel a itch in my heart.

Why is he kissing that random girl he never met before but not me.

I wish it would be me instead of that girl standing next to Daniel.

I'm kinda jealous.

Oh god I'm acting like the other boys girlfriends.

I just realized how hard it must be for them, not only that the boys are one tour, but also seeing instagram posts of them hugging girls they just met.

Daniel looks up and looks directly into my eyes.

I didn't realized that I starred at him the whole time.

I feel my face blushing.

God I hate the fact that I am blushing that fast.

I turn my head away and start a conversation with a girl.

A few seconds later someone comes in and tells everyone to follow.

I walk over to Daniel.

"How was your first limelight, huh?" he asks.

"You won't believe me! Someone wanted me to give her an autograph! And one girl wanted a video for her friend!" I say excited.

"You're cute." he answers and hugs me.

"No I'm not." I hesitate.

"Okay... Then you're sweet! And it's adorable how you blush." he smiles.

"No it's not!" I say and blush.

"Ha! You're doing it again!" he laughs.

"I hate this" I mumble more to myself than to Daniel, but he still understands.

"Noooo, I like it! And do you know what I like too?" he smiles.

"Me?" I say because I know he wants me to say that.

"Wrong. Watermelons. I like Watermelons" he tries not to smile but he's not really good at keeping a pokerface.

"Ouch that hurt!" I say and pock out my bottom lip.

"Aww of course I like you!" he says and pulls me into a hug.

"I like you too Daniel." I say and hug him back.

"And you're cute and sweet and adorable too" I say when he pulls away.

Now he's the one blushing. And I can tell it's for real cute and sweet and adorable.

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