22; What am I

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It's the day of the concert.

Anna and I standing in the front row with sunglasses and caps so not too many people will recognize us.

We've been smalltalking a little.

Suddenly the girl standing right next to me starts talking to me.

"OMG I am soooo excited!" she smiles.

She doesn't seems to recognize me.

"Yes, me tooo. Have you ever been to a WDW concert before?" I ask.

"Yes, I visited friends in the US and somehow managed to get meet and greet, but I never had front row!" she smiles.

"That's so cool! I've been to some concerts of them too." I say.

Is she just pretending to don't know who I am?

"Ohhhh so you're probably a fan since day 1!" she says.

"Yeah. What's your name btw?" I ask her.

"I'm Emma, you?" she says.

"I'm Sky."

"Haha funny, just like Daniel's Friend! I think they should totally date. They're soooo cute together!" she explains.

"Hey Anna, this is Emma she is sooo nice!" I introduce Anna to her.

"Nooo way! You have the same names as Daniel's sisters and should-be-girlfriend, that's crazy!"

At that moment Anna and I burst into laughter.

We both take off our sunglasses.

"OMG. I am officially completely dumb!" Emma laughs.

Anna and I put our sunglasses back on.

"But seriously, you and Daniel should totally date!" she says.

I wanna tell her no, but at that moment the show starts.

During the concert the boys look to us often, what makes Emma incredibly happy, it's funny.

The time goes by very fast and soon Corbyn starts his speech for What am I.

Everyone's so hyped.

I look to Daniel and he smiling his big smile while listening to Corbyn.

He looks to me and smiles even wider.

"The next song is called What am I. It means really much to all of us." Corbyn says.

Daniel quickly starts playing his cello and everyone starts singing.

Shortly before Zachs part, Daniel suddenly puts away his cello, stands up and takes his mic into his hand.

Then he comes to the middle of the stage amd sits down in front of me.

After that he starts singing.

Open the door to my apartment, we get in
Kissin' on my neck and throw my jacket to the side
I know your heart is beating quick
And if you put your head on my chest hear the same in mine, yeah

At this moment he takes my hand into his and looks directly at me.

And we'll be making love
Until the sun comes up
But one day, maybe I
I could put a ring on your finger before you change your mind, yeah
Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes
She said, "I know you are, but what am I?"

I have tears in my eyes.

Is he telling me that he loves me?

The boys start playing some bridge kind of thing.

Daniel starts talking:

"So uhm, Sky, you've been my best friend since I can remember and I love you so incredibly much. I love you more than normal friends do. So I wanna ask yo something. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he asks.

"Yes" I say with tears in my eyes.

"SHE SAID YES!" I hear Zach scream into his mic but I only have eyes for Daniel.

He smiles at me and leans in, then we kiss.

The whole venue cheers.

"Oh my god my ship has sailed!" Emma shouts what makes me laugh.

"We should finish this song huh?" Jack says and they start playing again.

Daniel stays at my side the whole time and holds my hand.

I love him.

A/n: Well that's kind of the end of the story, i hope you liked it. Maybe I'll post some extra chapters idk<3

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