14; You can always talk to me

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"It's Anna..." he mumbles

"OMG that's so cuteeeee!" I shout.

"Shush! Don't shout like that!" he says.

"Okay, I gotta tell you something... Anna likes-" I start.

"No I don't wanna know who she likes. It will only break my heart!" he interrupts me.

"But -" I try to tell him.

"No stop it Sky. I don't wanna know!" he says in an angry, loud voice.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't meant to shout at you." he says with a worried look in his eyes.

"It's okay." I say and hug him.

"We should go back to the venue." Eben says.

Back at the venue Eben goes to his soundcheck while I go to the tourbus to get some rest.
I'm tired.

"Oh hey Sky"

"Hi Daniel." I say

"You seem sad. What's up?" he immediately asks.

"Ugh. It's complicated...." I sight.

"Come on. Tell me!" he begs.

"It's just so complicated when you need to tell someone something but the person thinks it's something bad but it's actually something they want and then they are mad at you because you try to tell them but they just don't listen." I try to explain

"I guess that sounded too complicated itself." I say silently.

"Sky, don't be sad. It will be alright. Maybe you should try to talk to that person again. Or text them. Equal what you do tell me how it turns out. You know you can always talk to me, right?" Daniel says.

"Yeah, of course. Thank you. I gonna go get some sleep. I'm tired." I say and go.

I wake up again at 3pm.

"I'm thirsty" I mumble to myself.

I stand up and go to the toilet to check whether I look okay in the mirror.

Afterwards I grab my phone and put my shoes on before i walk over to the venue.

I walk through the door and bump into Jon.

"Oh hi, Sky. I need your help." he says.

"Of course, but could you maybe tell me where i could find something to drink?" I say.

"Sure, come with me!" he says and starts walking.

He opens a door to a kitchen and hands me a bottle of water.

"So I need you to go to the boys and ask Zach where he put his microphone after soundcheck, the staff can't find it." he explains.

"Uhm, sure but isn't it Limelight right now?" I say.

"Yes that's the problem. Last time I walked into Limelight to ask them something the fans all wanted to take photos with me, but i don't really like photos and I'm sure you're way better at doing photos." he says.

"Wow now i really wanna do it" I say sarcastic.

"Come on, Daniel will be happy to see you" he says with a grin on his face.

"No, not you aswell. We're just friends!" i sight.

"Well you think you're just friends..." Jon says.

"What do you mean with that?!" i ask.

"Nothing" he simply says and walks out.

"Wait! I wanna know what you meant with that!" i shout and start running to Jon.

"As I said, nothing" he says but i see the grin on his face.

"Oh come on! Pleaseeeeee" i beg.

"Nope. I'm not gonna tell you." he says as he shakes his head.

I look at him with an angry face.

"I'm not gonna tell you." he says again.

"Okay here we are. Go ask Zach where his microphone is." he says.

"What no!" i say.

"Yes, go!" he says.

"We'll finish this conversation later." I say.

"You wish. I'm not gonna tell you anything. If you want to know it ask Daniel." he smiles as he opens the door for me.

"Ugh." I say and walk in.

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