17; I'm not a doll

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The concert already started, but I'm at the tourbus.

I need some time at the moment.

I go up to the room behind the bunks and open the window and climb out.

I walk a few steps and just lay down on my back on the bus.

It's still warm and the sun is just disappearing behind the horizon, painting the sky in beautiful colors.

I can hear the music from the venue, but all though it's quiet and peaceful.

I close my eyes and just let let the calm atmosphere take me over.

It's good to finally get to relax and just do nothing.

I stay like that for a while, and when I open my eyes again I can see stars.

It's beautiful.

I don't even know where we are right know.

I don't care.

It's just too beautiful that I would care about anything right now.

I don't know how long I was laying up there, but I must have fallen asleep.

I can't hear music anymore, but the light in the venue is still on.

I hear some voices shouting something, but I can't understand what.

My back aches when I get up and go to the window.

I open it and jump down.

The bus is quiet, so I guess the boys aren't back yet.

I walk downstairs.

Suddenly I hear laughter from outside.

I open the door and see the boys standing next to the venue with some skateboards.

I take some shoes and walk over to them.

Jack is trying to teach Jonah and Zach a skateboard trick while Corbyn, Daniel and Eben are laughing at them.

"What are you guys doing?" I laugh.

"Oh hi Sky! They're trying to learn a skateboard trick but they don't get how to do it." Corbyn explains.

Everyone greets me but... Daniel is just ignoring me.

"Daniel?" I ask, but he doesn't even looks at me.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Corbyn.

"I guess he's mad at you but to be honest I have no idea why." he says.

"Daniel?" I ask, but again I get no answer.

"Can we please talk?" I ask, looking him straight in the eye.

"Please Daniel!" I say again.

"Daniel, what's wrong with you? Why are you not answering?" Corbyn asks.

"Well, perhaps because I'm mad at a certain", he looks at me, "person here." he says and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Daniel, come on, please tell me what's wrong" I beg.

"Fine" he says and rolls his eyes.

We walk a few meters before I turn to him.

"Daniel, seriously, please tell me what's wrong. I don't want you to be mad at me please tell me what I did wrong." I say

Daniel starres to some point above my head.

"Hello? I'm talking to you!" I'm getting angry now.

"Why weren't you at the show?" he suddenly asks.

"I had some stuff to think about. I needed some time for myself!" I explain.

"You could have told me or at least sent me a text!" he says angry.

"Why are you that angry that I wasn't there?!" I nearly shout.

"First of all, you're here to be at the shows, second I asked you TWICE whether you'd be there!" he's nearly shouting too.

"Excuse me? I'm here to be at the shows? I am here to hang out with my best friend. Or more the person I thought was my best friend, but apparently I'm just a random object for you. You can't fucking decide where I have to be at a certain moment. I'm not a damn doll!" I shout.

"I had something planned for you! I asked you TWICE whether you'd be there, but you weren't! And the way you came into limelight! It's my and my friend's time to meet our fans, but you come in like 'I'm his best friend I'm famous' and you know what? It fucking annoys me! All your instagram followers and likes are just because of me! But you didn't even thanked me!" he shouts back.

"I don't care about damn likes and followers! I cared about my best friend but it looks like I don't have one! Or more like I have friends but you're none of them! I wasn't at the concert cause I didn't felt well and I had to think about some stuff. Do you kmow what a real friend would do?! A real friend would ask whether I'm alright and whether I wanna talk about it. But you just scream at me because I didn't was at your damn concert!" I scream at him.

He wants to say something but I just tearn around and run away.

My cheeks are wet from tears, I didn't even realize I was crying.

I open the tourbusdoor, run upstairs, climb in my bunk and just let the tears out.

After a few minutes I hear the tourbus door open and someone comes up the stairs.

I hear how someone opens the curtain of my bunk.

I look up.

If you think it's Daniel, you're wrong.

It's Corbyn.

"Sky what happened?" he says.

"Daniel is an asshole." I say and try to wipe away the tears but immediately my eyes fill with tears again.

"I'm sorry. Come here" he says.

I climb out of my bunk again and he pulls me into a big hug.

I just cry into his shirt.

"Thank you" I say when I calmed down a little.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks me.

I shake my head.

"Well, Daniel-" I try to explain him but I just start crying again.

Corbyn immediately hugs me again.

"Shhh, everything will be all right." he whispers in my hair.

"Can we sit down somewhere?" I ask.

Corbyn nods and leads me to the room with couches.

We sit down on one.

I take a deep breath.

"D- Daniel was mad at me because I wasn't at the show. I wasn't there because I didn't felt well and needed some time, but he didn't accepted it and just told me that I had to be at the concerts because he thinks I'm here to be there, and when I told him that I'm not a doll, and that he can't decide where I have to be at a time, he got really angry and told me that I would be unthankfull because I'd have all my followers and likes just because of him, and that I'd be annoying and arrogant because I was at limelight" my eyes fill with tears again.

"Am I allowed to ask why you didn't felt well or at least whether that problem is alright now?" he asks carefully.

"Yea more or less. Seems like you're a better friend than him because he didn't ask me bout that." now I have to cry again.

"Nooo don't cry. You should go to sleep. Tomorrow everything will be better. Okay?" he says

"Okay, thank you Corbyn." I hug him and stand up.

"Good night" I say and climb in my bunk.

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