11; It was nice meeting you

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When I wake up the next morning I'm feeling happy.

I get up and hear voices from downstairs.

I grab a hair tie and put my hair in a bun before I go downstairs.

Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Eben are sitting at the table.

"Hi." I say while sitting down.

"Hey Sky, have you slept well?" they all say in sinc.

"You guys are weirdos and yes I slept well" I laugh.

"Uhm Sky? Is that Daniel's hoodie?" Corbyn asks.

I look down.

I completely forgot that I'm still wearing it.

"Uhm yes..." I say "We were outside last night and I was cold..." I blush.

They exchange weird smiles.

"What are you laughing about?!" I ask.

"Nothing." Jack says and tries to make a serious face what looks so funny that we all start laughing.

The door opens and Daniel comes in.

"Hey guys!" he smiles.

"Good morning!" I say.

"Where were you?" Corbyn asks.

"I was inside the venue. It's amazing! It's way bigger than last time!" he says in a really happy voice.

"Oh and we'll have the sound check at 2pm. We can do what we want until then. Anyone wanna come with me, explore the city?" he asks.

"Oh I wanna come!" I say.

The others wanna come too.

I quickly go upstairs to change and do my hair and stuff.

I  put on a green hoodie of Anna's clothing brand.

When I come downstairs the others are already waiting.

Zach ist there too.

"Aww you guys are matching!" Jonah says.

I look to Daniel. He's wearing the same hoodie as I do.

I blush.

"Come on let's go" Zach says.

"Uhm does anyone know where we have to go?" I ask.

"I have a map. It's not far to the next shopping mall!" Jonah explains.

We all start walking.

After 5 minute walk we are there.

"Oh they have a grand shoe shop here!" Corbyn shouts.

"I'll come with you!" Jonah says.

Everyone goes in small groups into different directions.

"Where do you wanna go?" Daniel asks me when it's only me and him left.

"Uhm I would love to see the city." I say.

"Good idea! Let's go!" we start walking through the city.

It's actually really pretty.

We stop at a ice-cream shop and buy ourselves ice cream.

It doesn't take long until two girls come towards us.

"Uhm could we take a selfie?" the taller one asks shyly.

"Sure!" Daniel smiles.

The girl takes out her phone and we take a selfie.

"What's your names?" Daniel starts smalltalk with them.

"I'm Cora." one says.

"I'm Clara." the the taller one says.

"Shouldn't you be at the sound check?" Cora asks.

"No it's later." I explain.

"It was nice meeting you!" Clara says.

"See you later at the concert" Daniel says.

We hug both of them, say goodbye and walk off.

We hear them screaming of happiness behind us and we laugh.

We walk through the city a little longer and 2 other girls wanna have a selfie with us.

"Is it normal that so many girls ask you for selfies?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm sure some more girls saw us but some are to shy to come to us. You know, some celebrities aren't the nicest when they meet fans on the street." Daniel says.

"I'm hungry let's get something for lunch." he says.

We go to a small restaurant.

I order a salad, Daniel wants a burger.

When we're both finished I take my wallet out.

"No I wanna pay! I'm a gentleman, I'll pay." he makes a weird face to look like a gentleman and I laugh.

"Okay you can pay... But not when I'm faster!"

I jump up and run to the cashier.

I hear Daniel behind me.

"I wanna pay for table 22." I say while trying to catch my breath.

"I'll do that." Daniel says and slightly pushs me away.

We wrangle a bit but he's way taller than me so he wins.

"No don't be mad at me." he says while we leave the restaurant and walk back to the venue.

I don't say a word.

"Okay you're mad.... But I know what to gonna do..." he says.

He grabs me at my waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"Ahh Daniel let me down!" I shout.

"Nope!" he says and starts walking again.

"Nooooo!" I shout, but he just ignores it.

"Shit!" he suddenly says.

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