5; You're Sky?

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At home I go to my room and put my stuff away.

I go to my clother and take shorts and a white shirt for the restaurant.

I grab a little bag with all the stuff I need and go back to the living room.

We brought Anna home on the way here and we'll meet her at the restaurant.

When Daniel is finished we make our way to the restaurant.

It's nearby so we walk.

The restaurant is small and very cute, Anna is already there.

We sit down and start talking.

*Skip time to after dinner*

"I'll go to the toilet" Daniel says and stands up.

When he's gone I immediately attack Anna: "Tell me, is he someone from the band?"

"Sky! Stop it. It's just a little crush, it's never gonna happen! I can tell you tomorrow but not now when my brother will be back every second!" she says.

"I'm sorry." I say.
"It's okay, I just don't want Daniel to find out." Anna explains.

"Find out what?!" we suddenly hear a voice.

Daniel's voice.

"Uhmmm" Anna says and blushes.

"It's a surprise!" I help Anna.

"Yeah! It's a surprise and you shouldn't find out!" Anna says.

"What kind of surprise?" Daniel asks curious.

"That's what you shouldn't know!" I say.

"Oh no, I hate surprises. Please tell me!" he begs.

"You'll find out soon enough!" Anna says.

"Okay let's go." I say.

Back home Daniel and I deside to watch a movie.

During the film my phone starts vibrating suddenly.

It's cause of Instagram.

I open the app.

I don't know why but I have hundreds of follow requests and I'm tagged in about hundreds posts.

"Uhm, Daniel what is this?" I say.

He pauses the film and looks in my phone.

I click on one of the posts. It's a photo of Daniel and me, at the beach today.

Daniel is running away from me and it looks a actually pretty funny.

The caption says: "@seaveydaniel at the beach today. Is the girl the mysterious Sky?"

I scroll a bit and the other pics are all the same picture.

The captions are similar to the first one.

I see some edits of the Pic, with many hearts and stuff.

"I ship them. #skaniel" says the caption.

"Fuckkk. They found you..." Daniel says a little angry.

"It's alright. I'll delete all the follow requests.

Don't worry everything will be alright." I say and smile.

The next morning I wake up at 9.

I get up and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Sky! Did you sleep well?" Daniel asks.

He's standing in front of the stove.

"Good morning, I slept good, what about you?" I answer.

"I slept good too. I made pancakes, do you want some?" he asks.

"Sure!" I sit down and he hands me a plate.

"Yummy!" I say.

He grabs his self a plate and sits down next to me.

I try a piece and it's so delicious.

"Omg they're so delicious. How did you learned that?"

"My Mom teached me how to do the when I was younger.

She said: 'If you have a girl in your house you have to know how to make pancakes" he says and imitates Keris voice.

He looks too funny.

"I have to go to the studio this morning, but Anna wants to go shopping with you. She said she'll text you." Daniel tells me.

"Okay, thanks." I say.

After breakfast I grab my phone and check my messages.

I indeed got a message from Anna.

She texted I should come to her house at 10.30 for shopping.

I go to my room grab some jeans and a thin, yellow hoodie.

I meet Anna at the mal and we go to the first shop.

We find some cute stuff but in the end we buy nothing.

We go to some other shops.

I buy a t-shirt and Anna buys a top.

We want to eat something but on the way there suddenly some girls come to us.

They are all about 16 years old and giggling.

"Hey Anna! Uhm could we please take a picture with you?" one asks.

"Sure!" Anna answers. "Sky, could you take a pic?" Anna asks.

I wanna answer the question but a girl interrupts me: "You're Sky? The girl that gave Daniel the giraffe hoodie?"

"Yes that's me" I laugh.

"Oh I wanna have a picture with you too!" one shouts.

I first think she means Anna but then I realize she means me.

I can't believe it.

A girl I don't know wants a picture with ME?!

We ask a person to take a photo of us and take a group picture together.

It's really funny.

"Sorry guys we gotta go, we're starving. It was very nice meeting you!" Anna says after a while.

They all say goodbye and we walk away.

I still can't believe what just happened.

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