18; I don't care

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I wake up early the next morning.

I climb out of my bunk, grab some clothes and put them on.

I go downstairs and open the bus tour.

It's cold outside but the fresh air feels good.

I go outside and walk around a little.

I try not to think about Daniel, I don't wanna cry again.

Soon I get hungry, so I go back to the bus to grab some granola bars.

I wanna sit down at the table when I hear someone walking down the stairs.

I jump up and wanna leave the bus.

I don't wanna see Daniel.

"Sky? Where are you going?" Corbyn asks.

"I thought you were D-Dan..." when I say his name I start crying again.

Corbyn quickly comes to me and pulls me to him.

"Everything will get better." he says.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I suddenly hear Daniel yelling.

We both jump away from each other.

"We-" I wanna say.

"What is wrong with you?! You know Corbyn has a girlfriend. I thought you and Christina were friends. But seems like you wanna steal her boyfriend! I really thought you were different!" Daniel shouts at me.

I just stare at him.

Then I turn around and run outside.

I feel tears in my eyes.


I hear the tourbus door open again and hear someone is running towards me.

It's Corbyn.

He hugs me.

"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like this." he says.

"Corbyn? I wanna fly home. Can you bring me to the next airport please?" I say with tears in my eyes.

"Of course. I'll help you pack your stuff." he sights.

I can see he's not happy.

We go back to the bus together.

The others woke up from all the yelling, the give Corbyn questioning looks but don't ask something.

When I'm done packing my stuff I hug all of them.

"Bye guys, thank y'all. See you in October." I tell them.

Corbyn called an Uber who drives us to the airport.

We barely talk during the drive.

When we're there Corbyn brings away my luggage with me.

I bought a ticket on the drive, and lucky me there's a flight boarding soon.

Corbyn hugs me again.

"Call me when you landed okay?" Corbyn says.

"Yes. And thank you for everything." I say.

"I gonna miss you." he says.

"Aww you'll be coming to Germany in two months, it's not that long" I laugh.

"I knowww." he say.

"I gonna miss you too" I say and hug him one last time.

I'm sitting on a bench, waiting for my flight to be called.

I take out my phone.

Daniel tried to call me but I just ignore it.

I open instagram and just scroll through the posts.

It's a video of Daniel from limelight.

The caption says "Aww they're so cute! Look at his smile when he sees her."

I turn the volume up so I can hear it.

It's not just any video, it's the video he took at limelight the day before.

He says something and suddenly starts smiling very bright.

I see myself, how he hugs me and says "she's my bestie".

Immediately I have tears in my eyes again.

I turn off my phone and blink the tears away.

My flight is called, so I grab my stuff and go on board.

Luckily I have a window seat.

I plug my earphones in and turn my music on.

I just wanna relax the next 8 hours.

When I get off the plane I'm tired, but also happy to see my family again.

On my way to get my luggage I take out my phone to call Corbyn.

"Hey Corbyn, I just landed." I say.

"Good, uhm Sky?"

"Yes" I answer.

"I talked to Daniel and-" he starts, but I interrupt him.

"I'm sorry but I don't wanna know it. He's dumb and I hate him" I tell Corbyn.

"Uhm, he's right next to me..." Corbyn says.

"Well, I don't care, just like he doesn't cares about me!" I say and hang up.

"Mom!" I shout when I see her.

She comes to me and hugs me tight.

"I missed you!" she says.

"Missed you too" I say.

"You're so tanned!" she says.

"I was in California, what would you expect?" I laugh.

I grab my luggage and we start going to wards the exit.

"Uhm, so why did you fly home early" she asks.

"Because Daniel is dumb and I don't wanna spend anymore time with him" I say.

"Oh okay" my mom says, and I really love her for not asking any more questions.

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