2.1; She's so small

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"Daniel come on, we gotta hurry" my mom tells me.

I'm sitting in my room playing with my cars.

"Where are we going? Can I take my cars?" I ask

"We're visiting Sophie, Josh and their baby in the hospital. You can take one car." my mom says.

I quickly grab my favorite blue car amd run to my mom.

"Come we gotta put your shoes on." she tells me.

Tyler and Christian are already waiting with their shoes on.

Dad is getting Anna ready.

Short time later all six of us are sitting in the car and we start driving to the hospital.

"Eww. I don't like that smell." I say when we enter the hospital.

"That's handsanitizer Daniel. They use it so everything is cleanand the people who have to be here won't get sick or at least more sick than they already are." my oldest brother Tyler tells me.

"I don't like that smell either" Christian tells me.

Mom goes ask in what room Sophie is staying.

We go to the elevator and go to the 3rd story.

We enter a room.

The first thing I see is a giant flower bouquet.

It's probably from Sophie's parents.

Then I see Sophie laying in a bed with something small in her arms.

Next to the bed stands Josh.

We walk closer to the bed and everyone says how cute it is but I can't see anything.

"Mommy I can't see!" I say.

My mom grabs me and sits me onto the bed next to Sophie.

Now I can finally see the small thing in her arms.

I open my eyes widely.

"She's so pretty! And so small! She's even smaller than Anna!" I say excited.

"What's her name?" I ask Sophie.

"We're not sure yet. We have some names we like but we can't decide." she explains and looks over to Josh.

"Her eyes are so blue! Just like the sky! And my car!" I say and take my car out of my pocket and proudly show it to everyone.

"That's a pretty name" Josh says.

"What?" my mom says.

"Sky" Josh answers.

"I like it." Sophie says.

"Hello little Sky!" I say.

Then I give her a little hug.

Everyone awes.

*later that day*


"Yes Daniel?"

"When will Sky be old enough so I can play with her?" I ask

"That will take a while. See, Anna was born 1 year ago and you can't really play with her yet. But I'm sure you're always allowed to go over to Sophie and Josh and visit her." mom explains.

"Oh okay. I may can't play with her now, but she's already my best friend!" I tell mom.

"Aww Daniel you are so precious. You're gonna be such a gentleman one day. Just like your dad." mom says.

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