19; Can we please talk?

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The past two months nothing really happened.

I got closer with Corbyn, but I haven't talked to Daniel one word.

Corbyn tried to convince me a few times but i never agreed.

They're coming to Germany today, Anna is gonna be there too.

They'll arrive in 2 hours, I gonna pick them up from the airport.

*At the airport*

I look at my phone.

Anna texted me they'd be here in 5 minutes.

I'm just standing there waiting.

After about 5 minutes I hear a loud shriek.

I turn around and see Anna walking towards me.

I walk to her and hug her tight.

"I missed you so much." I say.

"Hey Sky" I hear Zach say.

I look up, all the boys are standing there.

They are all wearing sunglasses and hoods, hoping not too many fans would see them.

I let go off Anna and walk to the boys and hug them one after another.

Except Daniel.

"It's great to see y'all again" I say "Well most of you" I whisper to myself.

"Let's go! I say and we all start walking to the car.

When we're at my house I show all of them their rooms.

They're gonna stay here for one week and then have shows all over Europe afterwards.

I wanna go to the kitchen when someone pulls me back.

"Sky can we please talk?" Daniel asks.

He's looking tired.

I tried to convince my mom to not let him stay here but she told me that we couldn't do that.

"No we can't. You told me everything I needed to know and I don't wanna talk to someone who hates me!" I tell him.

"Sky please, I don't hate you!" he says.

I see how hurt and sad he is.

"Well, two months ago it sounded different" I tell him.

"Please, I don't hate you..." Daniel says.

"If you don't hate me you wouldn't have treated me like that!"

"I didn't meant it like that, please believe me" he begs.

"Excuse me?! So your saying you said all the things for fun?! You called me annoying and arrogant because you fucking felt like insulting your 'best friend'?! " I ask.

"No, Sky, please listen"

"No I don't wanna listen to your bullshit and I don't wanna see you!" I say madly and walk away.

I feel tears forming in my eyes.

I quickly go to my room and burst out in to tears.

I slid down the door, pull my knees to my chest and cry.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Sky? Please let me in." Daniel says.

"Go away!" I just shout back.

I hear his steps walk away.

"You should really talk to him!" I hear Corbyns voice.

"No I don't want to! He hurt me and he's just gonna hurt me again." I answer.

"Please Sky, believe it or not he's hurt too."

"I don't care! It's his fault anyways!"

"Please, he's really been at his worst since you left." I hear Jonah say

"Wow I don't care whether he's been at his worst or not, nobody cares how I was feeling either."

"That's not true!" Anna shouts.

"Could y'all just leave me alone?!" I ask
They all go away, but after 5 minutes I hear steps again.

It sounds like someone sits down on the other day of the door.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I shout.

After a few seconds a pieces of paper is slided under the door.

I pick it up.

It's Daniel's handwriting:

Since you don't wanna talk to me in person it looks like I have to talk to you this way.
I'm really sorry for what happened last summer. I know I did many things wrong. I was mad at you because I had something planned for you, but you didn't showed up. I didn't meant the things I said. You're not selfish and annoying. You're the best friend anyone could have. You're gorgeous and amazing and talented and every postive adjective that exists in the English language and every language on this planet. I'm a dick for not seeing that in the first place.
It's okay if you don't want to forgive me but I hope you at least read this. If you don't want to talk to me ever again I'd accept it. I just want you to know that I love you. Like love love you. Please forgive me. I can't live without you. I'm really sorry.

When I finish reading the paper is wet from tears. I have no idea wheather they are mine or his.

A/n: Thank y'all sm for the support, especially for the comments <3. It makes me so happy if I see that you like my story!

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