2.2; That's... Great!

654 12 2




Hey how r u

I'm good, gotta tell u smth, u got time to facetime?

Sure, I always have time for u :)


"Hey Sky" I say when her picture pops up on my phone.

Actually I should warm up for a livestream.

"Hey Giraffe!" she laughs at the camera.

"Stop calling me that!"

"Nope, it is what it is"

"So what did you wanted to tell me?" I ask

"Oh yeah right, so I met up with Jacob today."

Jacob is some weird dude from her school she's been hanging out with.

I think she likes him but I think he seems kinda weird.

"And guess what? He asked me to be his girlfriend!" she says excited.

I feel a weird feeling in my stomach.

Just like someone punched right into it.

I'm probably just scared because of the livestream.

"So what did you say?" I ask and try to sound excited.

Seriously I don't like this guy.

"Yes of course you dummy! He was so cute! I'm gonna see him again tomorrow!" she smiles.

She's way too young to have a boyfriend anyway.

"That's... Great!" I tell her.

"Oh by the way, is Anna around? I gotta tell her too?" Sky asks

"Yeah wait a minute, I'll go look for her."

I stand up and go look for Anna.

When I see her, I quickly say goodbye to Sky and give her my phone.

That weird feeling in my stomach is still there.

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