Chapter 1

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Three Years Later

"Mama Alexis w-won't stop hittng me." Armando said as he ran over to hug my leg.

Tears filled his green eyes and I went to scoope him up in my arms "Alexis be nice to your brother."

Alexis peeked her head from around the corner and smiled wickedly at me. She reminded me so much of her father that at times it could be terrifying.

Her father...

After I left Armani I went to the one place I knew he wouldn't even think about looking for me Rhode Island. I mean I told him countless time how I never wanted to visit Rhode Island again because it reminded me of the vacation I took here one time with my parents. So, he wouldn't think that I would possibly even think about living here.

Soon after I brought a house that had three bedrooms I discovered that I was carrying twins. I was in total shock. I was going to give birth to twins and I would have to raise them all alone. That was the only thing that I could think about. I took it upon myself to go out and find a job and I did as a assistant for some random man who owned a company.

The pay was really good and not to mention that my boss, Alex, was extremely nice to me. He even continued to pay me when I took extra time off so that I could be home with Armando and Alexis.

The scariest thing that I had to face so far was giving birth to the twins alone and having to stay in the hospital for an extra three months because they were premature and needed to be in the NICU. It was hard at times I often found myself crying as I looked at my little ones through a glass box with wires all hooked up to them. When I found out that it was twin boy and girl I knew that I was going to name the boy after Armani's brother who had lost his life it was a way of honoring him and his life that he never got to live to the fullest.

I think the hardest thing for me right now is that Armando and Alexis both looked so much like Armani. They both had his green eyes and his nose and even his smile. However they did inherit my curly black hair and golden brown skin tone. There was no denying that they were his kids and that was for sure. Alexis had definitely inherited her father's personality. I had basically giving birth to a mini him.

"It because he took me toy." Alexis said as she pointed to Armando.

"Not uh" Armando said as he crossed his arms and pouted his lips.

"Yesh you did. Mommy he lie." She stomped her little feet on the ground and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Both of you play nice." I said as I sat Armando to the ground.

They ran off to go play with their toys and I went back to getting ready for work. The babysitter, Dahlia, would be  here soon and although I wanted to stay home with my babies I had to work to make sure they had everything they needed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Me get it." Alexis said as she rushed over and tired to open the door for Dahlia.

I laughed as she hopped up and down to try to reach the door knob.

"I got it honey." I said as I opened the door.

Dahlia stepped in and Alexis ran into her arms giggling.

"Thank you again Dahlia I know this is such short notice and I apologize for that." I said to her.

"It's no problem at all. I love babysitting these two bundles of join." She said as she tickled Alexis who laughed loudly.

"Mommy have to go now so give me kissy." I said.

Alexis leaned over to give me a big kiss and Armando came running down the hall into my arms.

"Can't you stay here mama." He said as he looked up at me with those big green eyes.

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