Chapter 23

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I had been bombarded with questions from the cops once we had arrived at the hospital. Leo and Pearl were watching after the twins in the waiting room and I had been trying to see Armani but the doctors told me I had to wait until he came out of surgery.

"I don't know! Please leave me alone!" I yelled as the tears fell down my eyes. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't stop pacing back and forth.

"We just want to know what happened Ma'm." One officer said.

"I told you guys thousands of times already! This man came and shot my husband now please leave me the hell alone!' I snapped before walking away.

I was losing it, it had been an hour since I had last gotten any news about Armani and I was so torn. If he died I mind as well go too because I could not see my life without him. I pressed my back against the hallway wall and slid down.

"Please Armani, please be okay," I whispered before the tears came full on.

I couldn't help but think that this was all my fault if I had just pulled the trigger a second sooner maybe none of this would be happening right now. I would give anything to be in Armani's place he doesn't deserve this he deserves happiness.

"Let him fucking be happy!" I yelled as I placed my head in my hands.

This was so unfair, all of his life he had grown up being forced to be something he wasn't he never got the proper love that he needed, and just as he was finally starting to be happy something had to happen.

I looked down at my wedding ring and thought back to the very first day that I had met Armani. I thought he was going to hurt me and I was planning on escaping and I had been so wrong about him. No one has ever loved me the way Armani has, no one has ever cared for me that Armani has. If I could redo all of this again I would so that I could be the one in the Emergency room.

"Mama?" I heard a small voice say.

I lifted my head to see Armando standing in front of me with worry filling his big green eyes.

"Come here, sweetie," I said as I took him into my arms and placed him on my lap.

"Is dada okay?" He asked as he lay his head on my chest.

"I don't know sweetie." My voice broke and I was so desperately trying to keep it together. "We can only hope he is."

He turned to face me and placed his tiny hands on my cheek and wiped away at my tears."Mama, I love you, Me will protect you and Alexis."

More tears began to fall down my face as I brought him to my chest and hugged him tightly. Armani couldn't leave us he just couldn't I wouldn't be able to take it. I would be so heartbroken.

I can't breathe without Armani.....I need him.

"Save room for me!" Alexis said as she came running towards us.

I opened my arms and took her in as well, smiling down at her angelic face.

"When can we see daddy?" She asked as she lay her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know sweetheart, hopefully soon," I said.

Alexis looked at me her little eyes tearing up. 'Is he dead mommy?"

"On no princess, don't say that," I said as I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead but she was already starting to cry.

"I want daddy." She said

I brought her close to my chest and began to rock her "Me too baby, me too."

I don't know how long Alexis, Armando, and I sat in the hallway but soon a doctor was walking up to me. I picked up the now fast asleep twins and looked at him waiting for him to give me any news at this point. Trying to mentally prepare myself for the worse.

"Mrs.Ricci the hospital visiting hours are al-"

"I'm not leaving until I get to see my husband," I said cutting the doctor off.

He shifted "Your husband has just gotten out of surgery-"

"Where is his room?" I asked cutting him off again.

He took a deep sigh before telling me and I made my way there with both kids in my arms fast asleep. I struggled to open the door but once I did I all but ran into the room. Armani was sleeping and his chest had been wrapped up, he had all types of tubes and wires attached to him and he looked so pale and lifeless. However, the beeping from the monitor indicated that he was still alive and breathing.

I took a deep breath of relief and walked to his bed. I lay the twins beside Armani and then Lied beside him. I gently played in his hair and watched as his eyelids fluttered with every touch.

"I love you, Armani," I whispered in his ear and his heart monitor picked up slightly.

I smiled it was nice knowing that he felt the same. I lied my head on his chest carefully so that I wouldn't hurt or wake him.

"Thank you for fighting, I know it was hard to, but I needed you here. We needed you here."

He didn't say anything of course, but I soon fell asleep to the sound of his heart monitor. I dare for any doctor or nurse to come in here and try to wake me because I will raise hell. I'll have Armani buy the whole hospital and then fire the staff if they dare try me tonight. We needed this moment together and I'll be dammed if anyone tried to fuck it up.

Armani's POV

I woke up to a slight pain in my chest and when I looked down I found Amalia fast asleep. I smiled as I looked over and saw the twins on the other side. I was surprised that the doctors allowed them to spend the night here.

I tried to sit up a bit but Amalia shifted before waking up herself. She looked up at me and the way her eyes lit up warmed my heart.


Before I could even finish my sentence she was smashing her lips against mine. The kiss was filled with so many emotions and it made me shudder. I tangled my hands in her hair and returned the kiss with as many emotions and passion.

Amalia pulled back "Don't ever scare me like that again." She said as she playfully swatted at me.

"Come on babe, be realistic you can't kill me." I winked at her and she laughed.

She bit her lips "We should move."

"Move where?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not sure but somewhere quieter. And you may not like this but I think you should step back from the Mafia for a bit. It has caused so much drama and hurt we just need a break so we can be normal. At least until the kids are old enough to understand it all."

"You want me to step down from the Mafia?" I asked.

"Not step down, just a break." She said.

I looked at her and knew I would do absolutely anything for her, and if this was what she wanted then I will do it just to see her happy.

"Done," I said with a smile.

"Really?" She asked her eyes lighting up.

"Amalia, I just want to see you happy and I want to give our children a chance at a normal life before they have to be dragged into all of this. It's not fair they should at least get the chance to enjoy some of their childhood."

She sat up and wrapped her arms around me before showering me in kisses.

"I love you."

"I love you more Amore."

AHHHHH! I love this chapter. THE NEXT ONE IS THE EPILOGUE! I can't believe Amalia and Armani's story is coming to a close and Alexis's story is just beginning! I literally can not wait until the first chapter of Alexis' book is up I'm sure you guys are all going to love it. Anyways, don't forget to like, comment, and vote. Until next time my lovelies.

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