Chapter 7

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(Trigger Warning)

I was heading to Alex office with my two weeks notice papers. When I entered he smiled at me and I smiled back before slowly setting the papers down on his desk and looking back up at him.

"What is this?" He asked confused.

"My two weeks notice. I'm quitting."

"Quitting?!" He rose from his chair "Why?!"

"I'm leaving Rhode Island." I said calmly.

"You're leaving?! Let me guess you're going back to him." He snorted

"Alex it really isn't none of your business, I just wanted to tell you so that you would have the proper amount of time to find someone to replace me."

He walked towards me " You can't be serious. You can't just be leaving everything behind for some asshole."

"He isn't an asshole and it really doesn't concern you-"

"But it does!" He yelled as he grabbed ahold of my arm tightly.

I tired to shake him off but his grip was too tight "Get off!" I said.

"No, I've waited so long for this." He slammed me hard against the wall and wrapped his hand around my throat.

"Please Alex-"

"Don't please Alex me, you've been leading me on this whole time and now you're just going to leave me? I'm not letting you go without having a little fun first."

He ripped my skirt off and I let out a scream of terror.

"The more you scream the more painful I'll make it." He whispered in my ear.

I knew that I should be fighting back in this moment but my whole body had frozen up and I couldn't move. I was scared I was so scared.

He dipped his fingers into my underwear and rubbed against me while grabbing ahold of my breast.


He shut me up by slapping me hard in the face.

"Come on Amalia, loosen up let me hear those pretty moans." He said as he kissed down my neck.

My stomach turned and I nearly threw up as he spun me around and pinned me against the wall before sliding my underwear off. I was full on crying now I felt so god damn weak I didn't know what to do.

"Bend over!" He said but I refused to give him what he wanted.

When I didn't bend over he forced me to do so and grabbed my hair tightly.

"I'm gong to enjoy this." He said before taking off his pants and shoving himself forcefully into me.

I let out a loud scream and thrashed against him but he cuffed my mouth and pulled my hair and warned that if I got any louder he would kill me.

So I cried silently as he forced himself in and out of me until I wasn't able to stand anymore and when he was done he let me drop to the ground like I was nothing.

"If you tell anyone I will do much worse." He said as he buckled up his pants.

I was shaking in the corner and crying I felt violated and used. My vision was slightly blurry but I could still see his face as he smirked at me before he walked out the room.

This was a short chapter but it was very heavy and I wanted to give you guys time to process what just happened. Sorry if it was too much. I love you all don't forget to comment, vote, follow and share. Chapter 8 will be out soon❤️

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