Chapter 22

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Armani's Pov

Brody appeared from the smoke looking as huge as ever, his 6'11 easily towered over me and his muscles were the size of my head. It was like this dude was on steroids or something, by the way, his veins were popping out of his forehead he wasn't happy in the least to see me.

His red hair had been buzzed all off and his brown eyes were full of rage and anger as he walked towards me. This fucker was so big and I had no weapon to fight him off with.

What the actually hell?

"Nice seeing you too Brody," I said as I backed up.

"Was it nice when you killed my sister?" He yelled.

"Very much so," I said smirking.

If I was going to die I was going to make sure I went out doing the thing that I do best, being an ass.

He charged at me and wrapped his big hands around my neck before throwing me to the wall.

"Calm down ant the giant, it's not that serious." I groaned.

He kicked me In the stomach leaving me winded for quite a bit, as I was gasping for air I heard a gunshot go off. When I turned to the side I saw Leo holding a gun and Brody was holding his arm.

Brody laughed while examining the wound before charging towards Leo, I took this as the chance to take one of the bricks that had fallen to the floor during the explosion and I threw it at his back. He stilled before turning to me.

"Daddy!" I hear Alexis cry out.


Brody turned towards the sound and I quickly hopped to my feet dashing off to the kitchen before he could. Alexis and Armando were squatting under the table and Pearl were along with them.

"Where's mama?" Armando asked.

"Don't worry about that right now we're going to play a game of hide and seek, you two go with Pearl and you have to find the best hiding spot, you don't come out until mommy and daddy call for you."

They nodded their little heads before running off with Pearl just as Brody came into the kitchen, he had Leo wrapped around the neck and he was struggling for air.

"Where are they!" He yelled.

"Are you that dumb that you have to yell every word?" I asked.

His face turned red and let go of Leo trying to charge at me but I kicked him in the gut which sent him back slightly. He looked appalled for a bit but didn't have much time to recover when Leo hit him in the head with a brick once again. He fell to the ground on his knees and Leo and I took that as the chance to get the hell out of the kitchen.

I realized that I had seen no sign of Amalia and was starting to get a little worried as I looked around the house whispering her name.

"There you are," Brody said as he suddenly appeared behind me. He grabbed me by my neck and threw me back causing me to land on my back.

The pain was too much and I couldn't move "Leo! Get the kids and run!" I shouted.

Leo darted for the stairs but Brody grabbed his leg and threw him effortlessly. He landed on the other side of the room with a loud grunt.

Brody pulled out a gun and pointed it toward me "I'm so tired of this back-and-forth shit."

Amalia's POV

I regained consciousness but my head was pounding. I looked around the room and saw Brody towering over Armani with a gun pointed toward him. He was saying something but I didn't listen as I sprung to my feet.

"Amalia here," Leo whispered before sliding me a gun.

I took it and tried to aim at Brody's head knowing I could only make one good shot. Just as I was pulling the trigger he pulled his, firing it at Armani.

"No!" I screamed as I let out a round of bullets.

Brody's lifeless body fell to the floor and I went running towards Armani, He had been shot square in the chest.

"Armani, look at me, look at me you're going to be fine." I sobbed as I took his head into my hands.

He was gasping for air and was losing the color out of his face. I turned to Leo "Call an Ambulance!" I shouted.

He quickly got out his phone and started to dial for help I turned back to Armani whose eyes were now struggling to stay open.

"No, please baby, please fight for me, fight for our family, We need you," I begged as I pressed my forehead to his.

"Please be okay for me."

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