Chapter 8

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Armani's POV

I had just got done putting the twins to bed and I was checking to see if Amalia had answered my text. I texted her about 20 times and she hadn't answered none of them and she was coming home later than usual.

Something felt off.

I walked into the living room and sat in the couch and waited for her to show. Leo had flown home early since he knew that we would be leaving soon anyways and he wanted to be with Pearl. So it was just the kids and I.

About two hours passed and I almost fell asleep until I heard the front door jiggling. I jumped up and turned to see Amalia walking in.

The first thing I noticed was that she was wearing pants instead of the skirt that she had left the house in. The second thing I noticed was that her eyes was puffy and red which meant she had been crying.

"Amalia?" I said as I walked over to her.

She didn't look at me her eyes were glossy and distant and she was slightly shaking.

"Amalia what's wrong?" I said as I took her into my arms.

She jumped at my touch but she eventually relaxed in my arms she didn't say anything though.

"Do you need a bath?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I guided her to the bathroom. She still hadn't said anything but I could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

We got in the bathroom and I ran a tub full of warm water before I turned to help her undress.

"I-I got it." She said in a raspy voice her shaky hands reached for her shirt but before she could lift it over her head she broke out into tears.

"Amalia! Amalia what's wrong?" I said as I took her into my arms.

She was shaking violently the tears was over flowing "A-Alex" she stumbled over her word.

"What the fuck did he do?" I said

She cried harder before backing away and taking her clothes off.

My heart dropped as she turned to show me her back which was covered in red marks. Her legs was shaking as she turned back to me.

"Don't tell me that he-"

She nodded her head and I felt as though I had been punched in the stomach. I was winded and I was left speechless.

I was heartbroken.

I looked at Amalia shaking frame and I knew that I was going to kill the fucker, he had gone too far this time he had made a mistake and I shall make sure he had a painful death.


I went to walk out the bathroom but Amalia grabbed onto my arm.

"Please Armani don't. Just stay with me please." Her eyes were big and I knew I couldn't leave her here in this state. I let out a defeated sigh.

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back wishing that I could take away all the pain and undo everything that had just happened. She didn't deserve this.

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