Chapter 13

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"I'm not staying in this house Armani." I said for the tenth time.

Armani was trying to get me to calm down but I couldn't I was too shaken up and he didn't seem to see the seriousness of the situation.

"Amalia please relax." He said.

Leo, Elena, Bella, and Giovanni were here they were trying to help us sort everything out but I wasn't going to stay in this house if it wasn't safe for my babies.

"Armani I'm not staying here," I said again.

He rubbed his temples in frustration. "Fine just sleep at Elena's house for tonight."

"And where would you be?" I asked.

"Trying to find Natalia so I could put an end to this."

"No, if you're going I want Leo to go with you."

"What why?"

"Because I don't trust her!" I said starting to feel annoyed now.

"Can you two please stop arguing damn it!" Leo said. Armani flipped him off.

"I just want to know how the hell she was able to make it past all the guards," Elena said.

"Me too." I took a seat on the couch and dropped my head into my hands.

I was so stressed and I hadn't gotten any sleep the weight of today's events was finally setting in and it was draining me.

"We'll handle it, Amore." Armani said as he rubbed my back.

"You should have handled it when you first had the chance!" I yelled at him and shook his arm off.

He let out a defeated sigh and walked away from me he was seeing I wasn't in the mood for his nonsense.

"Leo and I will find her tonight. We'll take care of it." He said.

"You better." I stood up and walked out of the room and went to where the twins were playing with their toys.

"Mommy, you otay?" Alexis asked me and I nodded my head before giving her a peck on the cheek.

Armando came over and sat on my lap before he turned around to hug me. "I wove you, mama."

I nearly cried as I looked at my two pride and joys and thought about how close someone so dangerous was to them and how they could've easily hurt them. It broke my heart because I was supposed to be protecting them and I was failing at that.

"Don't cry, mommy." Alexis said as she wiped away the single tear that had slid down my cheek. She kissed me gently and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I love you both very much," I said as I pulled them into a tight hug.

Armani's POV

It was late and very dark out and Leo and I had been sitting in the car in an alley way. This was the place that Natalia wanted to meet us at as she had sent me a little clue when I was cleaning up the mess of Mina's body she had left an address right to this spot.

Amalia was at Elena's house with the twins I would assume that they were all fast asleep by now it was pretty late. I had tried to talk to her but every time I did she snapped at me and blamed me for everything. She is right it was my fault I should have taken care of Natalia when I first had the chance.

"You sure she's going to show?" Leo asked.

"This is the location she wanted me to meet her at I'm sure she will." I said.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked.

"Kill her obviously, I don't have any more time for her games."

"Should've been did that big guy," Leo said as he patted my shoulder.

I glared at him but he just chuckled.

"Wait what's that?" I said as I pointed to the blinking red light that was in front of us.

"I'm not sure," Leo said as he leaned closer.

Then it hit me. "Get out there car it's a bomb!" I said as I hurried out of the car Leo followed close behind me.

Before we could even take two steps the bomb went off and we were blown away. My back hit the wall hard and Leo landed a few feet beside me.

"Fuck." He groaned as he rolled over on his side. He got up and helped me to my seat.

"She tricked us," I said.

"Yeah I can see that but if she's not here then where is she?"

I froze and then looked up at him with wide eyes "Amalia!"

Amalia's POV

I couldn't sleep because I was too busy worrying about Armani so I decided to get up and get myself a glass of water.

As I headed to the kitchen I couldn't help but feel someone was watching me. I walked a little slower and when I did reach the kitchen I hurried to grab a knife.

"You won't be needing that." A voice said.

I slowly turned around to find Natalia with a gun in her hands she was smiling at me.

"Fuck you." I spat.

"You should watch your mouth dear. If you would like to keep it attached."

I started to walk towards her but she rose the gun " Don't test me bitch."

"No, you don't test me." I said as I threw the knife in her direction.

It landed in her shoulder and she dropped the gun. I then kicked her back to the wall before I ran for the gun.

However, before I could touch it she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back causing me to hit my head on the ground.

"I have no idea what Armani sees in you, you're nothing but a weak woman." She leaned over me.

I gritted my teeth as I pushed up and kicked her in the chin causing her to stumble back.

"Oh, it's on bitch." She charged at me and tackled me to the ground.

She got a few good hits but then I noticed the knife was still in her shoulder so I took it out causing her to let out an agonizing scream.


We both froze and looked down the hall to find Alexis standing she was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Alexis go to the room and lock the door now!" I yelled.

"But I wanna play," Natalia said as she took the knife out of my hand and stabbed it in my leg.

I screamed and she got off of me running down the hall towards Alexis who let out a terrified scream and ran.

I took the knife out of my leg and stumbled after Natalia.

When I finally caught up to her she was holding Alexis and covering her mouth.

"You come any closer and I'm snapping her neck." She threatens.

"You-" before I could get another word out she pulled out another gun and shot me twice in the chest.

I fell to the ground. In pain that I never felt before. I was gasping for air as I watched her walk off with Alexis kicking and screaming in her arms.

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