Chapter 19

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I've been trying for a while to put in the code in the safe and every time it would come back as wrong. I let out a frustrated growl and sat down with my head in my hands.

"You can just go, if they find you they will kill you." One random girl said.

"Are you insane she is our only way out of here!" another snapped.

"I'm not leaving until I figure out this code," I said

I look back at the safe and bit my lip nervously, I only had a certain amount of time before Vadim and Lorenzo circled back here and find me and I would most likely end up like these girls. I stood up and tried to put in another combination of numbers, but it was wrong once again.

"Do you guys have any suggestions?" I asked them

"Vadim always says "3255" when he is talking to one of the bodyguards to let us loose for the shows." one girl said.

The whole group turned to look at her. "You knew this the whole time and are just now telling us?" One of them said.

She shrugged her shoulder as if it was nothing. I sighed and typed in the code and it worked I took the key and went one by one down the line once they were all loose they gathered around me waiting for me to tell them what to do next.

"We have to get out of here," I said.

"But if we run they'll catch us." one of them said.

"It's too many of us, besides if we fight them off we'll be fine. We just need to stall them long enough until my husband gets here." I said.

"Husband? What could your husband possibly do?' One of them.

I laughed because they had no idea.

"You'll see, but once I open that door there is no chickening out, we fight for our lives do you understand?" I said.

They all nodded their heads.

"Look around the room and grab whatever you can use to protect yourself," I instructed.

They went and grabbed a few things I, myself grabbed a gold stand. I looked back at them one last time and gave them an encouraging smile before opening the door. We all stepped out and the hall was empty. They walked closely behind me as I continued to walk down the hall.

"They've escaped!" One guard yelled before charging toward us.

"Ready girls?!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" They all yelled before raising their weapons.

Soon a whole group of guards was charging toward us and we were fighting them off. It looked like we were winning and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Natalia. I started to see red as I smashed the gold stand on the guard's head before charging toward Natalia. She stood her ground with that smirk on her face that I hated so much.

When I got closer she began to charge toward me too, I pulled my knife out of my dress and when we collided I stabbed her in the gut. She froze her hand grabbing onto my arm tightly.

"Let's have fun bitch." I said before taking the knife out and shoving her.

She stumbled backward before charging towards me again. She managed to land one good punch in my face but I quickly recovered before kicking her back. She hit the wall and slid and I took this as the opportunity to grab a hold of her hair and drag her towards the stairs. She was kicking but she was too weak to fight me off. When we got close I lifted her before throwing her down the stairs.

I slowly walked down the stairs as I watched Natalia stumbled, smiling with pure joy as I watched the scene.

Just then the front door busted open and There was Armani covered in blood with a gun in his hand. Leo and a whole bunch of other guys stood behind him, he looked up at me and I smiled at him.

Armani's POV

I looked up at Amalia who was smiling as she watched Natalia fall down the stairs. I had to admit that she looked so damn hot when she was kicking ass. I took the spare gun out of my pocket and she easily caught it.

"Divide and conquer," I said to my men and they didn't hesitate to spread all around the place.

"Leo!" Amalia called.

He looked up at her. "There is a group of girls that have been held captive I need you to get them out of here before things get out of hand."

Leo nodded his head before heading up the stairs.

I walked towards Amalia and stepped over Natalia's limp body.

"And what about you?' I asked.

"You know I'm not leaving you alone, besides I'm not done with her." She motioned her gun towards Natalia.

I kissed her forehead and took her face into her hands "Please be careful I would like my kids to have their mother in their life." I said.

She smiled "maybe after this we can live a normal life."

We both laughed knowing that it would never come true. No matter what we seemed to do something was always happening to us.

I started to head up the stairs when she grabbed my arm and I looked back at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Amore."

I could see the tears threaten to spill but she turned away from me before they did. I continued to head up the stairs to find Leo gathering up a group of girls and guiding them towards the stairs.

"Get them loaded in the van and leave, don't wait for us," I told him.

He nodded his head and took them down the stairs. My other men were too busy fighting the guards and now I had to find out where the hell Vadim and my father was. I walked around the halls knowing they were somewhere hiding out like the cowards they were.

I came to a big red door and knew they had to be behind it. I kicked it in and sure enough, they were there, sitting on a couch allowing their men to die and not caring about them.

"A-" I shot Vadim in the forehead to shut him up not wanting to hear what he had to say.

My dad looked over at Vadim in complete horror. I started walking towards him and he stood up raising his hands.

"Come on Armani, I'm your father."

"Blood means nothing to me." I spat. "And this time I'm going to make sure that you are actually dead."

Amalia's POV

Natalia rolled over in pain.

'Please....have mercy on me." She begged.

"Mercy? I'm afraid that's not in my vocabulary." I said before kicking her in the side.

She screamed and rolled over again. I rose my gun to her forehead and looked at her with delight this was going to be the last time I'll ever have to see her face again.

"If you kill me you'll leave my son without a mother." She said.

I nearly laughed as I looked down at her "You tried to leave my kids without a mother and father and you kidnapped one of them." I squatted to whisper in her ear "I have no sympathy." I said before pulling the trigger.

Blood splatted all over me and I rose to look at her dead body. I felt as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder as I stared at her.

Lorenzo was so wrong, I was cut out for this life.

(Read Below)

Hello My lovelies, So for book three of the "Lust" series I was thinking about writing about Alexis and her being all grown up and her experience of taking over the Mafia from her father (because let's be real we all know she would be the one to.) And her love interest. What do you guys think should I do? Yes or no? Anyways don't forget to comment, like, and vote. Until next time my lovelies.

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