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7 months later

"Honey! I need help getting out of bed!" I yelled out to Armani.

My huge stomach was preventing me from being able to sit up properly. Baby Allen had been kicking me all night and I had barely gotten any sleep. Poor Armani had to put up with my nightly cravings and I was sure he was tired of me by now.

We moved into our new house about 6 months ago. It was just as big as the last one but it had much more space and it was in the middle of the woods and was nice and quiet. Since Armani had taken a break from the Mafia he had been paying a lot more attention to his business which Armando had taken quite an interest in.

Armani would take Armando to work with him and when they returned home Armando would rush into the room and tell me all about his day with his father. It was the sweetest thing ever.

"Coming Amore," Armani said as he entered the room. Alexis was attached to his leg like always but it didn't slow down his pace as he walked over to the bed and helped me up.

I looked down at my big stomach feeling a little upset that I couldn't see my feet. "This is your fault," I said to Armani as I waddled to the bathroom.

"I would apologize but you insisted on having another kid," Armani said as he scooped Alexis up. He was used to my mood swings by now and would usually leave me to argue with myself.

"Shut up." I groaned as I sat down on the toilet.

"Just one more month, Amore and our family will be complete," Armani said as he spun Alexis around in a circle causing her to let out giggles.

"I wish it would come faster," I whined.

Armani laughed before kissing my forehead "I made dinner, do you need help going down the stairs?"

I nodded my head while pouting. Armani had been so good to me these last few months and I was loving every second of it. He waited until I was done peeing before helping me up.

He placed Alexis on his back and carried me down the stairs bridal style.

"Armando! Come eat!" He yelled.

Armando came rushing down the stairs with a huge smile on his face. He gave me and Alexis a kiss on the forehead before going to Armani so he could be placed in his high chair.

Armani placed the plate in front of me and the chicken smelled so delicious, I was drooling.

"Thank you so much, babe," I said as I lifted my head to kiss him.

"Anything for you Amore." He smiled.

Armani placed Alexis in her high chair and gave Armando and Alexis their food before sitting beside me and enjoying his own plate.

"Daddy? Mommy?" Alexis said.

We both looked up at her waiting for her to tell us what she wanted.

"I want to start dancing." She smiled.

Armani face lit up "Of course honey, you can take it along with your self-defense classes."

After we had moved Armani placed the kids in self-defense classes so they could be able to protect themselves. I tried to tell him that it was too soon but he fought me on it and I allowed him to go through with it.

After we finished eating dinner we bathed the twins and tucked them into bed.

"I am exhausted," I said as I flopped down on the bed.

"Me too," Armani said. He sat behind me and began to massage my shoulders.

I laid my head back on his shoulders and took a deep breath just enjoying the moment. I couldn't believe it, after all, we had gone through we are finally happy and it was lovely. We had fought so hard to be here and now we finally were. I finally had the family that I had so desperately wanted and I couldn't be happier than I was at the moment.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too Amore, forever and always."

The End.

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