Chapter 20

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Armani's POV

I had shot my father in the knees so now he was kneeling on the floor crying. This is something I always wanted to see. I grinned as I rose my gun to his forehead and shot him without thinking twice. Although he was gone now the damage has been done to my family. My siblings and I have been and always will be scarred by his hateful words and acts of violence toward us. He caused my mother to leave this earth. He has destroyed my family and I was the one that's going to be left to pick up the pieces.

I sat on the couch and allowed myself to cry.

Amalia appeared in the doorway she was covered in blood as well and when she saw that I was crying she approached me with teary eyes. She crouched down between my legs and took my face in between her hands.

"Hey, hey look at's over, it's all over." She said gently.

I pulled her in so that I could kiss her I had missed her so much, with everything that has been happening we barely got the chance to be with each other.

"Amalia I love you, I'm so sorry-"

"No, don't you dare apologize, don't you ever apologize. I came back because I love you and will always love you. I knew what I was getting myself into and I don't care, because all of it is worth it if it means that I get to be with you." She said.

I couldn't help but kiss her again. God has sent me her as a blessing and I could not possibly imagine my life without her. She has changed me for the better and I like to think that I've changed her for the better as well. I was so utterly and completely in love with her that she was the only thing that I could think of. Day in and day out.

"Now, come on let's get cleaned up so we can go home to our beautiful children." She said.

I nodded my head and we both stood up. For now, all the danger was behind us and It was just us.

Amalia's POV

Armani and I had stopped by a store to get some new clothes we did get funny stares since we were covered in blood of course and the lady was so hesitant to give us the clothes. After we got them we wiped the blood off and changed into new clothes. I put my hair In a bun and it so desperately needed to be washed but all of that could wait. I just wanted to see my babies.

We soon arrived at the house and I all but sprinted to the door. When Armani and I entered Alexis and Armando were playing in the living room with Sienna and Johnny. Elena and Bella sat on the couch and were chatting about something and Leo and Pearl were in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Are those my little monsters?" I said.

"Mommy, Daddy!" Alexis and Armando both said before they came running towards us.

We both squatted down to give them hugs and kisses. Alexis's curly hair seemed to grow longer since I've been gone and Armando defiantly has gotten taller. t maybe it was all in my head, I just had really missed them.

"You came just in time for our birthdays!" Alexis said as she jumped up and down.

My face paled, I had completely forgotten that the twin's birthdays were tomorrow. I looked to Armani and he mouthed.

" I got it." Before winking.

I turned back to the twins and smiled as Alexis did a little dance before leaping into Armani's arms and attacking him with kisses.

"Come watch a movie with us," Armando said as he grabbed our hands and tugged us into the living room.

The rest of the night Armani and I spent with the kids. Everyone else went to their own homes and we made cookies with the kids and ate some before heading up to bed. They insisted that they slept with us so we allowed them to and after they fell asleep Armani and I talked about random things.

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