Chapter 21

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I decide not to say anything to Armani so that we could enjoy the rest of the party in peace. The twin's gift table was very full and soon we were singing happy birthday and blowing out candles. Once the guest got a slice of cake they began to leave and I was standing by the door thanking everyone for coming.

By the time everyone was gone I sat on the couch and took off the heels that were killing my feet.

"Today was such a nice day," Armani said as he rubbed my tender shoulders.

I put my head back so that I could look up at him. I wanted to tell him about what Kassie had told me but he was right today had been such a nice day and bringing this up would only kill the mood and I didn't want that.

"Yeah, it was," I said as I smiled up at him. He leaned down to kiss my forehead before we heard little footsteps.

We turned to see Armando and Alexis covered head to toe in cake.

"Mama look," Armando said as he jumped up and down excitedly.

I internally groan before picking Armando up but keeping him away from my body making sure not to get cake on me.

"You get Alexis," I said to Armani.

He nodded as he picked up Alexis and held her the same way I was holding Armando. We headed up to the bathroom and got the twins undressed and let them soak and play in the bubble bath while we watched.

"I can't believe that they're three already," I say as I lay my head on Armani's shoulder.

"Me too, I wish I could have been there from the beginning." He said.

My chest tightened and I feel the guilt run through me. I felt so horrible for keeping the twins a secret from him and having him miss the first two years of their lives. He wasn't there for their first steps or the first words that they spoke and he didn't get the chance to see their first smile.

My eyes became a little teary as I wrapped my arms around the waist and looked at the twins. My heart began to swell as I thought about how I finally had the family that I had always dreamt of when I was growing up.

Armani wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead gently. We continued to watch the twins before finally washing them up and getting them ready for bed. Alexis refused to go to sleep until Armani climbed in the bed with her. When she had finally fallen asleep he gently placed her down and gave her a little kiss on the cheek before going over to Armando and kissing him on the forehead.

We headed off to our room and I was a little tired as I undressed and slipped on my silk robe.

"Let me take care of you, Amore." Armani said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I laid my head back on him and smiled as his hands traveled to the front of my robe and untied it.

(Warning: Smut up ahead)

The robe fell at a pool around my feet. He placed his hands on my waist and slowly turned me so that I was facing him.

He kissed me on the lips gently before traveling down to my neck and then my shoulders and then my arms.

I tugged at his hair but he removed my hands and looked up at me. "Tonight we're going slow, Amore, I want to take my time to admire you."

I blushed slightly as he took hold of my hand and guided me to the bed and sat me down and gently pushed me back. I lay back on my back and washed as he undressed slowly while keeping his eyes on me the whole time.

Once he was done he got on his knees and started to kiss his way up my leg which tickled slightly. When he reached my breast he took his time as he circled his tongue around my bud before sucking on it. I moaned and lifted my back off the bed but he gently pushed me back down and brought his fingers up to his lips signaling me to be quiet.

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