Chapter 18

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I could not believe my eyes it couldn't be possible. I had watched as Armani shot him so how the hell was Lorenzo standing in front of me...and breathing?

"Y-your're s-supposed to b-be-"

"Dead?" He said cutting me off. His grip on my shoulder tightened and with one arm he threw me against the wall and pressed his body against me so I couldn't move." Yes, I know I'm supposed to be dead but my son Armani has terrible aim, and missed my heart."

"But-he said he buried you..."

Lorenzo laughed loudly before placing his hand around my neck causing my eyes to go wide as I stared at him.

"He lied, he simply dumped my body in the river not caring or knowing that I was still alive, he's stupid really, I thought I had taught him better than that. This is the exact reason why you always take a headshot to make sure the deed is really done."

I was left speechless I still couldn't believe that Lorenzo was stomach was clenching and I felt as though I had to throw up.

"Anyway I found that while I was gone I became a grandpa, how are the little ones?"

When I didn't answer him his grip around my throat tightened and I was struggling to breathe.

"D-don't kill her," Vadim said as he sat up holding his stomach wound.

'Oh, I wasn't I just want to see her squirm that's all."

He loosened his hold on me and the gush of air that rushed to my lunges was almost painful.

"Amalia!" I heard Armani's voice call.

Lorenzo looked at me "Oh this should be great."

Armani came running down the hall with Leo close behind him, but when he spotted Lorenzo he froze. Leo looked at Armani confused for a second but when he turned back he saw Lorenzo as well and his face went pale.

"What the actual fuck." Armani breathed.

I looked at him with wide eyes trying to signal to him that he needed to leave but he wasn't looking at me he was just staring at Lorenzo.

"Hello sons," Lorenzo said as he let me go I tried to run over to Armani put he took hold of my arm.

"How are you-" Armani began.

"We can save that conversation for later but right now you have a choice to make." He shoved me to the ground. "Either you allow for me and Vadim to keep Amalia and you and Leo walk out of here without any harm done to you or-"

'I would never-"

"Let me finish!" Lorenzo said. "Or We kill you and your family, yes that means your twins as well."

My heart clenched as I looked at Armani who was now staring at me as well.

"The choice is yours to make," Vadim said as he rose to his feet.

Armani was still staring at me and I nodded my head letting him know that it was okay.

"I-I chose my family." He said.

Lorenzo and Vadim both laughed as Lorenzo took hold of my arm and tugged me up harshly. "Very well then you and Leo can leave."

I saw one stray tear fall down Armani's eye and I mouth the words "I love you" I knew he was torn at the moment I would have been too, but our kid's safety will always come first.

He was about to say something but Leo placed his hand on Armani's shoulders and shook his head. Armani nodded before glancing at me one last time and walking away.

"Okay Natalia they are gone now you can stop pretending," Vadim said.

"Finally," Natalia said as she arose to her feet acting as if she wasn't hurt at all. I glared at her wanting so desperately to choke her.

She smirked at me before fake pouting "Awww did you really think that you harmed me? How pathetic."

"Fuck you!" I spat.

Natalia rose her hand to slap me but Vadim blocked her hit "Cut it out Natalia go make yourself useful by cleaning up the mess."

Natalia glared at him but she left. Lorenzo began to drag me down the hall as Vadim followed close behind me. I took deep breaths as I thought about what I was about to do. I slid out of my flats before lifting myself so that my legs wrapped around Lorenzo's neck. With all of my strength, I pushed back causing Lorenzo to bend backward and clash with Vadim. I took that as my opportunity to run like hell.

"Don't let her get away!" Vadim yelled.

Lorenzo got up and started to run close behind me. I made a sharp right turn down the hall before sliding into a random door. I waited as I heard heavy footsteps run past before I allowed myself to even breathe.

"Who are you?" A random voice said.

I turned around to see that I was in a room full of girls. They were all chained up to the walls and had a look of sorrow on their faces it had to be at least a dozen of girls.

"Oh my god," I said.

This must have been what Leo and Armani were talking about when they said that Vadim had a thing for sex trafficking girls. Looking at the girls I felt my heart dip this had to be unreal.

"Are you a new member?" One girl asked.

"Obviously not, look at her she would have been chained up like us." One of them said.

I walked towards them hesitantly "No, I'm not a new member but I'm going to help get you guys out of here."

"How in the hell are you going to do that?" One girl with blue eyes said.

"Just trust me I will get you guys out of here and I won't leave without every single last one of you, do you know where they keep the key?" I asked.

One of them nodded their head "In that safe over there."

I nodded my head and realized that It had a password.


Hey, guysss I decide to update again today for you guys! Anyways don't forget to comment, vote, and follow. Until next time my lovelies!!

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