Chapter 12

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I had been standing in the kitchen and drinking a glass of water waiting for Armani to get home. I had already put the twins to bed and everyone else had headed home and I was the only one up. I had gotten the chance to catch up with Mina and the other maids but other than that I was alone since I had sent them all home for the evening.

It was almost midnight when I finally heard the door jingling. Armani walked in and saw me standing in the kitchen he looked exhausted but he walked over to me and tried to hug me. I took a step back and examined his outfit noticing that he was too clean.

"You didn't kill her. Why?" I asked

"There was no reason to." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe my ears. I know Armani and Armani wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone if given the chance to.

"Yes, I'm serious Amalia." He said as he rubbed his forehead.

"Do you still love her? Is that what it is? You're still in love with her?!"

"No! I'm not still in love with her I just can't kill her! She plays mind games on me she gets in my head I don't know I-" he sighed and slammed his fist down on the counter "I just don't know."

I sighed and hugged him from behind.

"I hate her trust me I really do Amalia but there's something about her that makes everything so difficult. She's always been good with playing with my head that's why when we were together it was no good."

"Why didn't you ever tell me about her?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to forget her. I wanted to forget all those terrible things that I did while I was with her. I wanted to forget who I was when I was with her. For years I thought it was love but it was nothing more than lust and toxic." He turned and brought me into his arms.

"If she comes anywhere near us-"

"She won't." He said.

"You can't be so sure Armani. And if she does I'll handle her myself."

"Amalia, please just drop this topic," he sighed.

I nodded my head and laid it on his chest. I was going to drop it for now only because I saw how exhausted he was but I will bring it up again. Armani promised to keep the twins and me safe and he looks like he's already breaking his promise so soon. I'll be damned if I was to allow some random bitch to waltz in here and try to destroy my family.

Armani's hand began to travel down my waist.

"I haven't touched you in so long." He whispered in my ear.

I bit my lip and pressed more against his front which caused him to let out a groan, it has been so long for the both of us and I'm not going to stop once I start.

I tugged at his shirt and he immediately got rid of it and I did the same. I stepped out of my jeans and underwear while Armani watched with lustful eyes.

"Drop them," I said and he instantly followed the directions and dropped his underwear.

"I wanna try something new," I smirked before getting onto my knees and taking hold of his length.

He practically growled at me as I slowly began to stroke him up and down.

"Amalia, you're not ready for that." He groaned out.

But I ignored him as I took his tip into my mouth. He groaned again and I took more into my mouth. Trying to take as much as I could and when I couldn't fit anymore I used my hands to stroke the rest of him.

I began to bob my head up and down while I looked up at him through my lashes.

"Fuck, don't do that." He groaned out as he looked back at me.

I kept staring at him while I swirled my tongue around his tip and he let a loud throaty groan. I knew he was close so I tried to go faster but he grabbed my hair and pulled me off of him.

"If I'm going to cum, it's going to be in you." He said as he picked me up and sat me down on the counter.

He instantly latched onto my breast while rubbing me I was moaning so loud that he had to cover my mouth.

"Sh, you're going to wake the twins." He said with a smirk.

Before I could respond to his comment he thrusted all of him inside me causing me to let out a loud moan.

He stood still for a bit. "Are you okay? Am I hurting you?"

"Armani, stop asking me questions!" I snapped starting to feel annoyed with him babying me. "And I don't want you to hold back either, give me all of you," I said.

He nodded his head before he began to pound into me repeatedly. There was no way I was able to control my moans. I held onto his back and allowed my fingernails to claw their way down. I was seeing stars and my legs were shaking uncontrollably.

Armani saw that I was close and spun me around before slipping into me again and grabbing my hair and tugging it while he thrusted into me harder.

He went so deep that I could feel him in my stomach.

"Cum for me, cum for me Amalia."

And that was all he had to say before I started to become undone. I let out one last loud moan as I came under him. I felt Armani fill me up as he came undone as well. When we were both down we lay there panting and out of breath.

I sat up and turned to him and saw that he was smirking at me. I knew that he was only getting started.


Armani and I were up all night and then we were up a little longer because we had to clean up our mess. By the time we went to bed, it was 2 in the morning and the twins came and woke us up at 4.

"Mommy get up," Alexis said as she jumped up and down in our bed.

I ignored her and rolled onto my side and tried to cover my head with the blanket.

"Daddy get up we have to show you something," Alexis said as she lightly tapped His face but he just groaned and turned away from her.

"Alexis and Armando go play. Mommy and daddy had a long night." I said

"But the lady left us a message," Armando said.

Armani and I sat up in our bed and looked at the two of them.

"What lady?" I asked.

"The one with the red hair. Come look." Alexis said as she ran out of the room.

Armani and I jumped out of the bed and hurried to follow Alexis into the other room. Once we were in the room on the wall written in blood were the words.

Let The Game Begin.

I scooped Alexis and Armando up and took them out of the room.

"You two stay here," I said before walking back into the other room.

Armani was already observing the room.

"How the hell did she get in here!" I yelled.

"I don't know," Armani said.

"Armani she was in our house. She was in the twins' room. If she could easily get into the house lord only knows what else she can do."

"Amalia please try and calm down."

"I can't!" I snapped.

Armani went to the closet and opened it, out dropped the dead body of Mina. Her neck was slit open and I felt my heart drop.

"Oh my god."


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