Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe my eyes Armani was standing in front of me in my house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing here." He said.

"Fuck" Alexis repeated after him and he smiled at her I let out a sigh before turning back to Alexis.

"That's a bad word, we don't say that word do you understand?" I said.

"But dada said it." Armando said suddenly.

"Dada?" I said

They both nodded their little heads.

"He said he was our daddy and that we call him that. Mommy you said we didn't have a daddy." Alexis said.

Looking up at Armani and the way he looked back at me I knew that he wasn't going no where anytime soon. I scooped the kids into my arms and headed into their room.

I was surprised to find Leo sitting in Alexis' bed he was smiling at me and got up and came to hug me.

"I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too." I nearly cried just from the sight of him. "Please watch them while I go talk to your idiot brother." I said.

He nodded his head "who wants to play with uncle Leo?"

"I do I do." Armando and Alexis said as they jumped up and down with joy. I shut the door behind me and headed for the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Armani asked as he followed after me.

There was a weird tension in the room and it was making me feel slightly dizzy and want to throw up.

"I'm cooking the kids dinner obviously, it's almost their bed time. And can I ask you what the hell you did to my babysitter." I turned to look at him.

"I didn't do nothing, she just chose to leave when I said I was the children father and didn't dare to question it any further." Armani said.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him so I could continue preparing the meal.

"I thought you would be a little more happy to see me. I don't like this attitude."

"Well you thought wrong buddy." I said as I turned back to him and slammed my hands on the counter.

He was taken back by my tone of voice but he took a seat in the chair and looked up at me with nothing but sadness and heart break in his eyes.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"Because you were lying to me about what you were doing with Leo. I overheard your conversation with him the day I found out I was pregnant. I didn't want to wasn't fair to the children." My voice broke slightly.

"You also know what's not fair to the children? You keeping them from their father!" He was up and out of his seat he was in my face clearly mad at me.

"You said you never wanted kids!" I snapped back.

"Hell! I didn't know you were pregnant. sarei stato lì per i miei figli!"
(I would have been there for my children)

He started yelling at me in Italian knowing that I didn't understand a word that he was saying but I don't think I want to.

"Cut it out!" I yelled back as I shoved him.

"Two and a half years! I missed two and a half years of my own children lives because their mother decide to be selfish!"

"Selfish? Selfish? It's not my fucking fault that their father is a monster!" I slammed my hand on the counter not caring about the pain that it caused.

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