Chapter 6

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I was cooking dinner for the kids while Leo and Armani sat on the couch, they were watching a football game and were too occupied by it to pay attention to me.

Armani and I haven't talked in three days we simply just have been avoiding each other and it was weird considering we still had to talk to each other a few times when it came to the kids but other than that we didn't talk. I thought it was strange because he said he was going to try harder and do better for me and now I feel like he has given up.

"Dinner's ready." I said and the twins came rushing into the room.

Alexis hair was now cut to shoulder length after she had convinced Armani to take her to the hair salon and to get it cut. I cried for hours when she came back home but Armani didn't see the big deal in it and told me to get over it which had sparked a very heated argument which ended up with the coffee table being broke.

Let's just say I won.

The twins sat at the table and began to eat their food before Armani walked up to me.

"Yes?" I said as I turned to him.

"I'm taking you out on a date." He said


"Yes, so get dressed we leave in 10 minutes."

"But I-'

"There is no buts about it, Leo already agreed to watch the kids. This date is happening."

I knew that there was no point of arguing with him so I just headed to my room to get ready. I had to admit that I was very excited for this date I was more than excited actually. Armani and I haven't had the chance to be alone since he had came here and I was looking foreword to it.

I took my hair out of the messy bun it had been in and brushed through it until my curls were looking decent. I slipped into a nice black dress with no straps and put on my white trench coat and black pumps.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then hurried back to the room to dowse myself in perfume. I looked at my make up bag which I haven't used since the twins were born. I decide to just do a light layer of make-up before putting on pearl earrings and a matching pearl neckless.

"let's go Amalia." Armani said as he leaned against the door frame.

"Don't rush me." I said.

"Hurry amore, I don't have the patience." He said as he looked me up and down slowly.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. I looked back at him to see that he was biting his lip. I blushed and ducked my head as I walked past him.

I walked over to the twins and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek. Alexis clung to Armani for dear life and began to cry once she realized Armani was leaving without her. Leo literally had to pull her off of him and hold her tightly while we rushed out of the house.

"She is such a daddy's girl." I said once we were seated in the car.

"I know, when she's older she is going to be a handful."

"I know.' I sighed, just thinking about it made me get a headache.

The car ride was silent for the most part until we reached our destination. It was a small fancy little restaurant that I had driven by on my way to work. I always wanted to go but never really had the time for it. Armani exited the car and walked around to open the door for me. He looped my arm with his and we headed inside.

"This place is so lovely." I said once we were inside.

We were immediately seated and the waiter took our order before walking off. I slide my jacket off and Armani's eyes landed on my shoulders I felt a little self-conscious. I have to admit that my body wasn't in the greatest shape after having the twins and I've been trying to keep up with a work-out routine but I never stick to it.

"You look lovely, as always." He said.

I smiled at him "Thank you, you do as well."

"I've missed you. I've missed this." He reached over and took my hand in hands.

"Me too." I said as I bit my lip.

"Amalia, I'm not leaving here without you and you know that, Everyone back home misses you, just think about Elena and Bella." He said  "I even began therapy, I went to talk to someone about my problems because I realized how right you were. I was fucked up and I fucked you up but I'm better now and I'm going to be better for you and the kids. I missed you so much and I-"

"I'll go back." I said

The way his face lit up made my heart warm "Really?"

"Yes, there was no doubt in my mind that I wasn't going to leave with you. I love you Armani and I want to be with you." I said.

"I love you too, we can start packing tomorrow and-"

"I'm going to need at least two weeks. I have to put my notice in at work so Alex can find someone to take my place."

"Fuck Alex."

"Don't be rude."

"No seriously fuck that guy, I could have killed him so many times but I decide not to but my patience is running thin with him." He said.

"He's a nice guy-"

"He's only a nice guy to you because he likes you and you know that."

"It doesn't matter anymore Armani, after we leave I won't be seeing him anymore." I said.

"I know." He sat back in his seat.

"One more thing...."

"What?' He looked over at me.

"I want to have extra safety measures set in place for the twins and I. I'm not going to return only to put them in danger and the moment it becomes too much for them I will leave again."

He nodded his head "I would never allow for my kids to be put in harms way."

I nodded my head just as the waiter brought us our food and drinks. The food was amazing but Armani flipped out because he claimed his cup was dirty. He got us kicked out because he had ended up punching one of the waiters so we were currently walking around the block so he could calm down.

"So much for therapy huh?" I teased.

"The old me would have killed him." He shrugged 

And I laughed because he was right.

"I missed you so much." I said as I looked up at his green eyes.

"I missed you too Amore." He said as he brought my lips to his.

I didn't know how bad I had been craving him until his lips were on mine. I ran my hand through his hair and he groaned which gave me the chance to slip my tongue  in his mouth. He grabbed my ass and squeezed before biting my lower lip and pulling away.

"Not tonight, amore." he said.

I pouted my lips and he smiled at me "We have more than enough time." He said as he took my hand and walked me back to the car.

I was so in love with him and I was never going to let him go ever again.

Heyy guys I know this was a little late update and I'm sorry for that. Also, just so you know Alex does not take the news of Amalia leaving and next chapter is going to be eventful. But who is ready for Amalia and Armani to go home? I know I am. Don't forget to comment, follow, vote, and share until next time my lovelies.

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