Chapter 15

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Armani's POV

One thing that I knew about Natalia is that she loved her hiding spots especially when she had done something wrong. She would disappear for weeks and show up when everything had cooled down. Luckily for me, I knew exactly where all of her spots were.

I had gone to the first three and she wasn't at any of those so the last destination was an old abandoned factory. She loved this one it had so many floors she could easily play a game of hide if seek in here. It'll only make it harder for me to find her and Alexis.

I climbed out of the car and headed into the building. I searched the first four floors and there was no sign of her but by the time I had reached the 5th floor, I found her looking out the broken window.

"About time you showed." She said as she turned to smile at me.

"Where the hell is Alexis!" I said as I rose my gun to her.

"Relax she's taking a nap." She nodded her head in the direction of the corner where Alexis was.

She was curled up in a little ball and was fast asleep.

I rushed over to her.

"I wouldn't do that," Natalia said as she pulled out her gun. "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"

"Fuck you, Natalia," I said as I shot her in the leg.

She fell to the ground and let out a scream. The sound was loud enough to wake Alexis who looked up at me with sleepy eyes.


"Yes, come here baby," I said as I opened my arms.

Her little small body ran up to me and she hugged me. I picked her up knowing that we didn't have much time but when I turned back to Natalia she was gone.

"Fuck". I breathed out.

I knew Natalia could wait all that mattered right now was getting Alexis to safety.

"Daddy my back." Alexis groaned.

I was confused as I turned her around and lifted her shirt to find a bomb attached to her back.

The time only had one minute left.


Amalia's POV

I woke up to a room full of bright lights and a beeping sound in the distance. I had a huge headache and my chest had a slight pain. I tried to sit up but a hand gently pushed me back.

"Don't strain yourself, Amalia," Elena said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're at a hospital." She explained.

Then the events from tonight all came rushing back to me.

"Alexis she took Alexis!" I said as I sat up.

Elena pushed me back down again. "Armani is currently out looking for her. Don't worry they should be back here soon."

"And if they're not" Tears started to fill up in my eyes at the thought of losing Alexis and Armani. My heart wouldn't be able to take it.

"Amalia please don't say that. They'll be back." She stroked my cheek.

I relaxed a bit but my mind was still racing and I had terrible stomach pain. I lowered my hand to my stomach and turned to my side.

"My stomach hurts," I said.

Elena winced and then there was a look of pity on her face. "The doctor said it would for a bit...considering you lost your baby."

"Baby?" I repeated.

"Yes, you were pregnant Amalia."

My heart dropped. I was pregnant and I had lost my baby. I had lost my baby because of her.

I couldn't stop the tears this time as they came running down my face I was beyond upset I was heartbroken. I didn't even know that I was pregnant.

"It's okay," Elena said as she tried to soothe me but the tears wouldn't stop and they were flowing down my cheeks heavily.

"Mama?" I heard Armando's voice and when I looked up he was standing in the doorframe looking at me with sad big eyes.

He walked over to the bed and climbed up on it before crawling over to me.

"Why you cry?" He asked as he gently wiped away my tears.

"Because mama is sad," I said.

"Don't be sad be happy." He hugged me and I hugged him tightly back before kissing his forehead.

I was just hoping that Armani and Alexis return to me safely. God knows that I can't live without them in my life.

Armani's POV

"Okay I need you to listen to me Alexis, I'm going to take this off of you and when I do I'm going to pick you and we're going to run okay?"

She nodded her head and I quickly began to unstrap the bomb, we now had 30 seconds left. I scooped Alexis into my arms and ran like hell. I didn't even bother with the stairs as I just jumped down them and ran. We were only on the second floor and I knew our best bet was to jump from the window.

So I held Alexis close to my chest and kissed her forehead before jumping out just as I did the bomb went off the wave of heat pushed us further away from the building.

I turned on my back so I could protect Alexis and we landed with a very hard thud.

"Alexis, you okay?" I asked

She lifted her head and nodded at me I smiled at her before getting up slowly and taking her into my arms.

"We have to go before the cops come," I said and she just smiled wickedly at me.

We got into the car and I headed for the hospital. My head however was hurting terribly.

I looked back at Alexis who was in her car seat and smiling at me. My vision began to blur as I turned back to the road.

"Daddy!" Alexis yelled and just as she did so we were hit by a car causing my car to spend.

Alexis was screaming from the back seat and I could barely keep my eyes open as I tried to gain control of the car but we continued to spend in circles until the side of the car hit a tree. My head hit the dashboard and I was now unconscious.

Natalia's POV

I walked over to Armani's now beaten-up car with a smile on my face. The little girl in the back seat was fine but she was crying out for Armani who was unconscious in the front seat,

I chuckled lightly as I pulled out my phone.

"Hey boss, we got him."

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