Chapter 17

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"How are we going to do that exactly?" I asked Armani.

He got off the floor and leaned towards the door listening to the outside.

"Step back." He said and I did as I was told.

With one swift kick, he managed to kick the door in.

"Let's go." He said.

"Armani we have no weapons and there are men with guns everywhere here, and besides Leo is downstairs."

"Can you stop fucking talking and come the hell on." He said as he took off running.

I ran after him the heavy dress was slowing me down a bit and I was more than grateful that I had decided to not wear heels.

Just as we rounded the corner a guy spotted us and began to shout.

"Fuck." I breathed.

Armani seemed unbothered as he walked towards the guy and somehow spun him around before snapping his neck. He took the gun out of his hands and looked back at me with a smile.

"Now let's go find Leo so we can leave." He said.

"Only if it were that easy." Another voice said I looked up to find Natalia walking towards up smiling as she always was.

"Fuck off Natalia." Armani rose his gun towards her but I took hold of his arm.

"No Armani you go find Leo, I'll handle her."

He looked at me unsure for a bit but then he nodded his head and ran past Natalia,

" And what do you think you're going to do exactly?" She said.

"This." I kicked her in the gut causing her to fly back and land on her back. "You messed with my fucking family and now I'm going to beat your ass." I spat.

I took the knife off the bodyguard and proceeded to cut the front of my dress before stepping on her leg so I could hear a yelp.

"Aw does it hurt? What about this?!" I stabbed her on the side and she screamed out in pain.

"This is going to be fun."

Armani's Pov

I ran down the hall like mad. If Leo was still here he would defiantly be blending in with the crowd of people that were downstairs.

Vadim would be livid once he sees that Amalia and I had escaped so we only had a short amount of time to get out before he locks the whole building up in a search for us.

I finally came to the stairs and I could see hundreds of people down the stairs with masks and suits on I realized finding Leo would be a lot harder than I thought.

I crept down the stairs trying to make myself not stand out and pushed and shoved through the crowd of people. Now and then I would see someone I thought was Leo but it wasn't.

Just as I was about to give up on trying to find him I felt someone grab my shoulders. I turn to find Leo with his mask off and he was smiling.

"So you're alive?" He said.

"Shut up and come on we have to go get Amalia before Vadim notices," I said.

He nodded his head and followed me back up the stairs.

"Where did you leave her?" He asked.

"With Natalia," I said.

"With Natalia are you crazy?"

I shrugged my shoulders "She wanted me to."

"Armani are you stupid? If Natalia has spotted Amalia and you what makes you think that she hasn't told Vadim."

I looked back at Leo "Fuck it's a trap."

We took off running down the hallway.

Amalia's Pov

I kicked Natalia in the side and she grunted in pain I was going to kick her again when I was suddenly grabbed and thrown back. My head hit the wall and I slid down landing on the floor.

"No one told you to leave that room, Amalia," Vadim said as he walked up to me. "You're causing havoc at my party."

"Fuck your party." I spat before taking the knife and shoving it into his stomach.

He froze and stared at me with wide eyes I shoved him and he fell over I began to get up from the floor when I felt another person grab my shoulders. When I turned to see who it was my heart clenched and I was left breathless.


Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes I love you all!❤️I will be updating tomorrow since I'm getting a new laptop. Don't forget to vote follow and comment. Until next time my lovelies💕

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