Chapter 5

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I was sitting down at my desk eating my lunch and thinking about my Alexis and Armando and how I missed them more than usual today when my phone rung.

I looked down at the number to see that it was a hospital's number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this the mother of Armando Ricci." The lady on the other end asked.

My heart immediately started to pick up speed. "Yes, this is she." I said.

"Well, Armando has been in the ICU for a few minutes now he had a allergic reaction to peanuts and we can't allow for the two men who brought him in to sign anything because they are not on any of his documents. So, could you please come in."

Anger was the first thing that I felt once she finished her sentence but it was soon replaced by fear for Armando's life.

"I'm on my way." I said before hanging up.

I gathered my things and headed for the door, Alex spotted me rushing out and called out my name.

"Amalia where are you going?" He asked.

"I-I have t-to go Armando's in the hospital." I said through tears.

"Let me drive you you're in no state to drive." He said.

I nodded my head and we rushed to his car the whole ride I was thinking about how none of this would have happened if Armani wasn't here and he just better hope and pray that Armando was alright.

"Where is he!" I yelled once I had stepped foot in the hospital.

Armani rose from his seat "He's fine. They gave him some medication he-"

"That's not answering my fucking question!" I snapped.

"Room C5" Leo said.

I headed to the room with Alex and Armani following close behind me. I entered it to find Armando fast asleep. He was curled up in a ball on his side and had all types of tubes and wires connected to him.

I rushed over to him with tears in my eyes. "Mommy is so sorry baby." I said as I stroked his curly hair.

"He's fine." Armani said.

I know he did just not.

"Get the hell out." I said evenly so I wouldn't wake Armando.

"But I-"

"If you don't get out now I will call security." I said.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression but he still didn't move. I stood to my feet and walked over to shove him in the chest. "Get out!"

He seemed to finally get the idea because he turned and left out of the room. I walked back over to Armando and sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed his back.

"I don't think he should be left alone with the kids again." Alex said.

I ignored him because I didn't feel like starting another argument. The only thing that I was worried about right now was Armando and making sure that he was better.

There was a little soft knock on the door and Alex went to open it. Alexis came running to me and I scooped her up on to my lap.

"Why you cry mommy?" She asked as she wiped at my tears.

"Mommy was worried about Armando, that's all." I said.

"He's fine mommy. Doctors helped him." She said.

I nodded my head and brought her close to my chest. Alex came over and sat beside me, Alexis looked over at him.

"Daddy don't like you." She said as she leaned away from him.

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