Chapter 9

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Within two week we had packed up the house and even managed to sell it to some random couple who was expecting. Explaining to the twins that we were moving was a little difficult they kept asking question and really didn't understand the whole point of it.

Alexis was the most difficult she was throwing a hissy fit about the whole thing and saying that she would never leave the house but when I told her that Armani wasn't going to stay with her she cleaned up her attitude real quick.

I was nervous however, I haven't seen Armani's family in almost three years and I would just be barging back into their lives like I never left in the first place. But, I had to admit I was more than excited to see Elena and Bella and their little ones I felt as though I had missed so much since I was gone. Armani told me that Leo had even gotten married and I couldn't had been more surprised I find it hard to believe that Leo would show any interest in anyone.

We had boarded the private jet a few hours ago and Armando and Alexis where both fast asleep in the other room. Armani was on an important phone call and I was simply reading a book since I had nothing better to do. When Armani was done his call he walked behind me and massaged my shoulders.


"Yes?" I said as I looked up at him.

"I was would you feel about therapy?" He said nervously.

"Therapy?' I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well yeah, you haven't really talked about the incident since it happened and I-"

"No, no therapy." I shook my head.


"I don't want to talk about it Armani, talking about it means relieving it and I don't want to relive it." I said.

He sighed in defeat before kissing my forehead and taking his seat across from me. I knew this was going to have a bigger effect on Armani than it would me and I sometimes wonder if I had not told him how different things would be. He's being more gentle with me than usual and is acting as if he is scared to touch me. I just hope he doesn't keep this up forever because I can't deal with it any longer.

"The whole family will be waiting at the house to see you and the twins." he said

"The whole family?"

"Well just the important people I suppose." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

His eyes furrowed for a bit before he said "Speaking of family...did you ever go back to Puerto Rico."

My chest felt a bit heavier now "No, I wanted to but I knew that would be the first place you would look for me." I said.

"Well then we should plan a trip there soon. I made a promise to you to let you see your family and I broke it and I'm going to try and make it right again."

"It's fine Armani, you had bigger things to worry about."

"Nothing is more important than you, amore." He leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips and I couldn't help but smile.

"Also one more thing." He dug into his pockets and pulled out two rings.

One was my wedding ring and the other was the ring Sienna had given me. I eagerly took them out of his hands and slipped them both on making me hand feel ten times heavier than before.

"I'm glad you're back." Armani said as he looked at me.

"I'm glad to be back."


(Reminder: Just to refresh your brains, Elena is Armani's sister she had a baby in book one which she named after her mother who passed away ,Sienna. Bella is Armani's cousin and she is married to Giovanni. Bella was pregnant in book one and was still pregnant when Amalia ran away so we didn't get to meet the baby. As you all know by now Leo is Armani's brother and he most recently got married to a women named Pearl.)

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