Chapter 16

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Armani didn't return to the hospital that night. None of us are sure where he is exactly. The cops found his car which had run into a tree, Alexis was safe and sound inside of it but Armani was nowhere to be found which leads me to believe that Natalia has taken him.

I have been under a lot of stress looking for any and every clue but they always lead to a dead end. Leo and I have been trying our hardest to find him but it almost seems impossible. It has been three weeks and I was worried that something really bad has happened to him. If it had I knew it would have been my fault I should've killed Natalia when I had the chance.

"You have mail," Leo said as he walked into the living room and placed the envelope on the coffee table.

I was currently brushing Alexis's hair while Armando played on the floor with some toys.

"Is it from-"

"No," Leo said as he took a seat beside me.

I let out a frustrated sigh before snatching the letter up. "Then who could it possibly be from?" I said.

"Open it and find out," Leo said as he sat Armando on his lap.

I opened the letter and furrowed my eyebrows "It's an invention."

Dear Amalia Ricci,

I am more than honored to be inviting you to my masquerade ball tonight. I've heard so many lovely things about you and I would like to meet you myself. Now you can bring a guest if you don't feel comfortable coming alone but I must warn you that you will be searched before entering the building so please don't bring any weapons. I'm looking forward to tonight and don't worry your husband will be here as well.

Yours Truly, Vadim Smrinov

I looked over to Leo with wide eyes and he looked just as surprised as me.

"I can't believe I didn't put it together sooner." He said as he placed his head in his hands.

"What do you mean? Who is Vadim Smrinov?" I asked.

"Vadim Smrinov is Adam's cousin he took over the Russian mafia after Armani killed him. Armani and I were trying to keep track of him even before he came to power. He had always been a problem for us he attacked Armani a few times in the past. Now he has an army of men to help him...That's why we started the fake sex trafficking business to try and lure him in but it didn't work he kept a low profile but he always made it clear that Armani was his target." He explained.

"Then we have to go," I said.

"It's too dangerous someone could get hurt and when I say someone I mean you."

"Leo we can't just not go he is expecting us," I said.

"Exactly he is expecting us that means he has a trick up his sleeve."

"Then we will just come up with a plan but I'm not going to let Armani stay there for a day longer who knows what the hell they have done to him."

Leo sighed and thought about it for a second. "You're going to need a dress and a mask."


I stood in the mirror trying to make sure I looked perfect for tonight. The dress was a nice dark red ballgown dress with a heartline. It fitted me nicely and I knew Armani's favorite color on me was red I wanted to make sure that when he saw me he wouldn't be able to stop staring. My hair was in a neat slick back bun and I was wearing a simple black mask with matching gloves that stopped just above my elbow. I decide to wear flats because I figured I might have to run and running in heels was next to impossible for me.

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