Chapter 4

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I woke up and headed directly for the bathroom. After last nights events I was under a lot of stress, Armani had just randomly showed up to my house and expected me to take him back who the hell do he think he is?

On top of that he attacked my boss and that was so uncalled for. Poor Alex didn't even stand a chance against him now I would have to go into work today and apologize for Armani's actions. This whole thing was all so frustrating.

I took a nice long shower to relieve some stress before I got dressed in a red, tight-fitted pant suit with black flats. I put my hair into a neat bun and headed for the kitchen to start breakfast.

"Goodmorning." Armani said as he sat up on the couch. He was shirtless of course.

"Morning." I said as I turned to the fridge and grabbed the eggs.

"You have work today?"

"I have work everyday Armani." I said.

He snorted and got up "You don't have to be so rude Amalia."

"If you don't like it you can leave." I said.

He gritted his teeth. "I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude."

"And what the hell you're going to do about it?" I challenged.

Before he could say anything Leo walked into the room and he was also shirtless.

"Both of you cool it." He said as he took a seat at the table.

I rolled my eyes and began to cook breakfast trying to pretend that Armani wasn't here.

"Good-morning mama." Armando said as he entered the room Alexis following after him.

"Good morning my babies." I bent down and gave Armando a kiss.

Alexis on the other hand was clinging onto Armani's leg and smiling up at him "Morning daddy."

"Morning Principessa." He said as he picked her up and placed her on his hip.

"Daddy can we go for ice cream." she asked.

"Yay! Ice cream." Armando said as he ran towards Armani and hugged his leg.

"Of course." Armani said grinning.

"No, absolutely not." I said.

"Why not?" Armani asked.

"You are to not be alone with them."

"They are my children too Amalia."

"I don't-"

"I'll go with them." Leo said cutting me off.

I looked over at Leo and then back at Armani before I let out a frustrated sigh "Fine whatever."

I turned back to the stove and finished cooking and setting the plates on the table for Alexis, Armando and Leo.

"Where is mine?" Armani asked.

"Make your own." I snapped.

He looked at me clearly irritated but he didn't say anything.

"Leo just so you know they both know how to get them selves dress and brush their teeth. Armando can't have any nuts he's allergic."

Leo nodded his head.

"You should be telling me that not him." Armani said.

"Armani leave me the hell alone right now okay?" I said.

He furrowed his eyebrows and I grabbed my things and gave Armando and Alexis a kiss before I headed out. Once I stepped on the front porch I felt so much relief from all the tension inside the house. As I climbed in my car I thought about how rude I had been to Armani but I didn't care he had put me through a lot when were together I'm not just going to let him waltz back into my life so easily he deserved to squirm a little.

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