Chapter 3

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Armani sat the kids down and turned to them "How about you guys go play in the other room while me and your mama's friend have a little conversation."

They nodded their heads before running off into the other room. Alex stood his ground not seeming to understand what he had done wrong. Armani slowly turned towards him with a smirk on his face.

"Armani wait-" I began but he came marching over to Alex and started to choke him before throwing him against the wall.

"What the fuck." Alex said as he tried to get to his feet but Armani grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his head against the wall.

"Armani knock it off!" I said as I grabbed his arm and tugged him back.

He let go of Alex and turned towards me "So, you're seeing this fucker now?" He was almost yelling at this point.

"No, he's my boss." I said.

Armani relaxed a bit and I went over to help Alex up "I'm so sorry Alex, Armani just has a terrible temper."

"I can see that." He was holding while his bloody nose and looked over at Armani.

"I'm going to go get some tissue. Armani behave yourself." I said to him.

He rolled his eyes but he sat down on the couch.

Armani's POV

Amalia exited out of the room and I looked over at the guy that was holding his nose and staring at me as if I was crazy.

Hmm maybe I was.

"How do you know her?" He asked.

"You don't get to ask me questions." I said.

"The hell I do, what the hell are you even doing in her house."

I was going to reply but Amalia walked back into the room and answered for me "He's Alexis and Armando's father." She said as she moved the guys hand away and placed the tissue in his nose.

"I'm her husband." I smiled and watched as his face changed.

He looked at Amalia and waited for her to answer. " I left him a long time ago, he just came by to see the kids." She said.

I laughed "No need to lie Amalia."

She rolled her eyes and helped the guy sit down on the couch he was looking at her with so much affection in his eyes.

This fucker.

"As I was saying, I got four tickets for Disneyland, just in time for the twins birthday."

"Four?" Amalia said.

"Yeah for you, the kids and-"

"And me." I cut him off and smiled at Amalia.

"Actually the fourth ticket is for me." He said rudely.

Does he not value his life?

"That's so sweet of you but I thought it was just going to be me and the kids." Amalia said.

"And me." I added.

She turned and gave me a warning look and I put my hands up in mock terror.

"I just thought it would be nice for me to go, since the kids have such a great bond with me." Alex said while glancing at me.

"You let this ass hole around my kids?" I said.

"You weren't even there to raise them. They should be calling me daddy." Alex said.

I got out of my seat and charged towards him but Amalia blocked me. "Knock it off Armani or I will kick you out!" She threaten.

"You're just going to let him say that shit?"

She turned to Alex "If you would like to not get your ass beat you should keep your mouth shut as well." She was obviously pissed off.

"Now if you would both excuse me I'm going to go put my kids to bed." She stormed out of the room.

I sat back on the couch and looked over at Alex who was staring back at me.

"She's not interested in you." I said to him.

"What makes you think she is interested in you anymore than she is me?" He asked.

I laughed and sat back "You have no fucking clue. I advise you to leave before I beat your face in."

"So violent. I see why she left, I wouldn't be surprised if you were putting your hands on her." He said.

Next thing I knew I was out of the couch and had Alex pinned up against the wall, holding him by his neck.

"You see I'm really am trying to be nice to you for Amalia's sake but you are pushing it buddy. Say one more slick shit and I won't hesitate to shoot your ass." I let go of his neck and he fell to the floor.

I walked and sat back on the couch the same time that Amalia walked into the room. Alex got to his feet and she looked at me with a knowing look but I shrugged my shoulders. The fucker had it coming and if he kept testing me he would be dead in a ditch somewhere.

Ever since Amalia left I have been working on my temper, I realized how poorly I treated her and I never want to ever treat her that way again. I even went to therapy for some time to talk about my shit and how fucked up I was. I was willing to be a better man in order to have Amalia back in my life again. Now only if she would just let me stay.

"Alex, I think you should head home. Thank you so much for the tickets." She gave him a hug and he stuck his middle finger up at me while she did so.

I wanted to break that finger but then Amalia would just yell at me and I'm trying my best to win her over instead of chasing her away so I guess I would have to behave myself.

"If you need anything just call me. I'll see you tomorrow." He said before he walked out of the door.

"Keep that fucker away from my kids." I said once he was gone. "He gives me bad vibes."

"Armani I don't have time for your nonsense I'm going to bed." She turned to leave the room and I followed after her.

"What the hell are you doing?" She said.

"Going to bed."

"You can sleep on the couch. Goodnight." She slammed the door on my face and left me standing in the hallway.

I turned to walk back to the Livingroom but I found Alexis standing in the hallway rubbing at her sleepy eyes. Her long curly hair was in a messy bun and she held a teddy bear in her arms.

"Daddy?" She said.

I still was trying to adjust to the whole daddy thing but looking down at her and those big green eyes I can't help but feel my heart warm at the idea of being a dad.

"Yes Principessa?" I said as I squatted down to her.

"W-why were you gone for so long?" She said.

I frowned. I had to admit that I was mad at Amalia for not telling me that she was pregnant and for just running off. It wasn't fair to the children she had planned on raising them without them having no clue who their father was.

"Daddy had to chase off all the bad monster so you, Armando and Mommy could live safely." I said.

She waddled over to me and gave me a hug "I wove you." She said.

I felt my heart stop and then start again as I looked her with teary eye. "I love you too Principessa, and I'll do anything for you." I kissed her gently on the forehead before scooping her up and tucking her back in bed.

I was determined to get my family back at all cost no matter what and I'll be dammed if any one tries to in my way.

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