Chapter 14

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Armani's Pov

Leo and I rushed to Elena's house and from the looks of it Natalia had already been here.

"Fuck." I said as I got out of the car and rushed into the house.

The front door was already open.

"Leo you go look for Elena I'll find Amalia and the kids," I said

I walked down the hallway and my heart dropped when I found Amalia laying in a puddle of blood on the floor. I rushed over to her and took her limp body into my arms.

"No, no no, Amalia," I said as I searched for a heartbeat.

She had one but it was very faint and weak and she was extremely cold and pale.

"Leo!" I shouted.

He came running into the room and took in the scene.

"Is she-"

"Yes, but we have to get her to the hospital quickly, where is everyone else?"

"Elena was in her room fast asleep, Natalia had locked her door so she couldn't get out and Sienna and Armando are in the other room."

"Where is Alexis?" I asked.

"She.....she isn't here."

My heart sank further. That bitch had taken my daughter and shot my wife. This had gone on for too long I was officially going to put an end to this.

"Call an ambulance."


Leo, Elena, and I were currently sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to give us an update on Amalia who they had rushed into surgery.

Armando and Sienna have been dropped off at Bella's house for the night to keep them out of harm's way and soon as I got the update from the doctor I was going to set out to find Natalia.

I had been pacing back and forth and my heart was racing if Amalia wasn't okay I don't know what the hell I was going to do.

The doctor came walking in my direction and I immediately walked up towards him.

"What is it?" I said.

"She's stabled for now and she's just resting up but've lost the baby." He explained.

"Baby?" I repeated.

"Yes, Amalia was about a week or so pregnant...did you not know?"

Amalia was pregnant....she was pregnant and she just lost the baby. When she finds out she's going to be devastated, hell I was devastated.

I took a deep breath before thanking the doctor and turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked.

"Out, keep an eye on Amalia," I said as I kept walking towards the door.

Natalia your time on this earth is over.

Hi, guys sorry for the short chapter, a lot of family stuff going on which is causing the slow updates. I will try to update faster and write more. Love you all❤️

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