🐰Chapter three🐨

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Jimin had finished his shift at the coffee shop before he saw a piece of paper with a phone number on it, 'Call me cutie xxx-xxx-9657. Kisses.' He let out a sigh taking off his apron and then he tossed the paper in the trash and grabbed his sweater, after that he locked up the shop and went home waving bye to Sehyoon and Byeongkwan. Approaching his apartment he stopped at Taehyung's door first knocking on it, after a few seconds Taehyung appeared and they both stared at each other. "Hey..." Jimin mumbled softly looking up at Taehyung waiting for him to say something, the latter let out a sigh leaning against the doorway.

"Hi ginger cookie, are you feeling better?" Taehyung asked concerned for his best friends behavior earlier, Jimin sighed rubbing the back of his neck "I'm not okay, I don't know what I did to make Jun and Jungkook behave the way they did. Jun left me his phone number at the shop.." Jimin mumbled and Taehyung's face softened watching him "And? What happened?" he asked staring at the ginger who was very tired and looked sad "I threw it away and closed up shop." Jimin responded and Taehyung nodded his head folding his arms "Look, Tae.. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, I'm sorry." Jimin confesses and Taehyung's eyes flicker to Jimin before he debates and smiles fondly at him "Come on in, you look exhausted." Taehyung responded and it's Jimin's turn to smile now, they embrace hugging each other tightly as Jimin's going inside the house with the door closing behind him.

Who the hell does that no good idiot think he is? Trying to flirt with Jimin? Jimin isn't his to flirt with. - Jungkook you're losing it buddy, earth to Jungkook.

Jungkook finally cooled off once he got to the house, he had both his duffel bags in hand and unlocked the door going inside. Seeing no one at first he sets his bags down and he walks through the house slowly "Hello? Where is everyone?.." Jungkook called softly while walking "Surprise! Welcome home Jungkook!" Jungkook's eyes widened as he watches the streamers and confetti fly everywhere seeing his hyungs, a bright bunny smile flashed on his face "Guys.. you didn't have to." Jungkook cooed in awe "Yes we did, our boys come home." Jungkook turned his head to see Namjoon and he smiled fondly going over to him embracing him in a tight hug "I missed you so much Hyung, you have no idea." Jungkook confesses as his eyes watered, Namjoon also teary eyed.

"I missed you too, Kookie. Come say hi to everyone else." Namjoon said after they pulled apart, Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he followed his Hyung around the corner. "Welcome home baby cakes." Jungkook's eyes watered more as he saw Jin Hyung sporting tears and he ran to him hugging him tightly, the latter embracing him stroking his fingers through his hair "Hyung... I missed you so much too, I hope you know that." Jungkook whispered choking back the emotions he was feeling "Lucky for you, I finished my modeling. I'll be home." Jin declares softly and the younger looked up at him in awe "You're joking..?" he asked gently watching him, his Hyung smiled at him "No, I'm serious. I got you something from my trips." He smiled at him going to his bag and reaching for something in there.

"Jkayyyyy Heyyyy." Jungkook's eyes glistened as he saw Yoongi and Hoseok going to them and hugging them both "Hyung's! Hi guys, I missed you both.." Jungkook said engulfed in both their arms "I missed you too, I missed you so much Kookoo San." Hoseok said emotional about their baby bunny being home "I missed you Jungkook.. more than I'd admit over the phone." Jungkook's eyes widened looking at Yoongi who was now tearing up and he smiled fondly hugging them both again "Awwww hyung's, I could never leave to perform and forget about you." The Maknae confesses looking at all of his hyungs in awe "Okay, now that the mushy reunion is partially over with. Let's party." Yoongi said and they all agreed, Hoseok turned on the music and Jungkook and him battled each other in a playful dance off on Just Dance with the others cheering them on.

"Wahhh, Jungkook's dancing is so good. But so is Hoseokie's dancing." Namjoon and Yoongi said in unison watching them in awe as they kept with each other's vibe, moving in sync. "Yessss! I won hyung!" Jungkook cheered raising his hands in victory as the others chuckle cheering for him "You only won because I let you." Hoseok replies and Jungkook laughs rolling his eyes "Sure whatever helps you sleep at night, Hyung." Jungkook said and Hoseok laughed high-fiving him "So Jungkook-Ah, how was the tour? Did you enjoy it?" Yoongi asked looking at Jungkook as he sat on the burgundy couch next to Hoseok who was sprawled out relaxing.

"Oh, you know it was amazing. Seeing all the fans, hearing them scream they love me. It's insane, I truly love singing and dancing for them. But I also in turn miss you guys, I couldn't leave you guys to do that forever. I would be homesick and Namjoon normally always is the walking remedy. Besides, the coffee shops here are better than the coffee shops in LA." Jungkook said with his eyes gleaming with fondness as his mind drifted to the ginger haired barista he'd grown fond of.

Grown fond of? What are you even thinking Jeon? Snap out of it.

"Awww, Kookoo you're so cute when you're not putting on that tough boy act." Jin chimes drinking his soju and Jungkook winced though he was smiling more "Aish, Hyung I know I'm cute. But I prefer people not to know I'm a softie okay?" The younger pleaded causing the hyungs to all look at each other before they started to coo and laugh at Jungkook who groaned averting his gaze "Okayyy Okay." The singer mused watching Jin tug him into their pile of hugs and affection and he tried to push them away even though he can't deny he loves to be in the center of their baby-ing, sometimes.

Jungkook detached himself from their near death hugs eventually, huffing out a breath of air looking at them "So, Hyung. How's modeling going for you?" The younger asked in awe at the fact he's chasing his dreams, Jin smiled lightly at him "It's going good actually, met some very potential models. It's refreshing but it gets very lonely without you guys. And my little baby bunny of course." the model responded and Jungkook winced covering his face with his hands "Hyungggggg, shut uuuup." the younger would complain in attempts to hold on to his manliness "Namjoon why don't you tell Jungkook about the girls." Yoongi said and the younger narrowed his eyes "The girls?" Namjoon let out a sigh rubbing the back of his neck "Remember, I called and told you they keep visiting looking for you?" Namjoon asked cautiously, Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed before it hit him.

Those girls. Of course, how could I forget?

"Of course Joonie, how could I possibly forget. What happened?" the younger asked, his mood darkening at just the mention of them "Well, I told you they're still in love with you. What happened was-.." The doorbell rings and Jungkook narrows his eyes at the door and he went over to the door yanking it open, His eyes darkened as he spotted not just Jisoo but JooE too. "Jungkook.." Jisoo breathes out looking Jungkook up and down "Hi Jungkookie.." JooE whispered and he stared at both of them in disgust "What the fuck are you two doing here?" Jungkook asked, hatred lacing his voice, they both were taken aback. "Jungkook we came here to see you, I miss you..." JooE said softly and Jungkook chuckled in annoyance "Right, and I'm fucking Santa Claus." Jungkook spat before he silently thanked Santa Claus for existing.

Santa this has NOTHING to do with you, absolutely nothing. Saranghaeyo.

"Jungkook I got this, you don't have to deal with this." Jin said and Jungkook shook his head "No Hyung, I'll deal with this myself. Please." Jungkook responded staring at the heathens outside the door, looking from the short girl with black hair and fairly light skin and brown eyes, to the taller girl with blonde hair and brown eyes "I have no idea why you guys are here, especially when I'd established you weren't to come around me ever again."  Jungkook states watching them both with his hand gripping the door til his knuckles were white. Jisoo placed her hand on Jungkook's arm rubbing it gently. "You don't mean that, you love me." She said seductively.

Jungkook balled his other hand into a fist "I'd advise you to let go of me, and that's a fucking lie. You know damn well what you did to me...." Jungkook pulled his arm out of her hand and he took a breath "Okayyyy, I'll take it from here. Get going both of you and don't come back, thank you." Jin said as he pulled Jungkook into a hug pushing the door closed. "Relax Jungkook-Ah, relax.. everything's okay." Jin whispered as the guys all wrapped their arms around him, Jungkook broke down crying in their hug as they all comforted him "It's okay Kookoo, we got you.. we got you." Hoseok whispered brushing the strands of Jungkook's hair gently "Hyung.. They broke my heart, I don't even believe in relationships anymore because of them." The youngest cried embracing them all, Namjoon sighed resting his chin on Jungkook's head.

"Jungkook it's okay, we understand and we'll keep them away from you. You got better, I'm not gonna let them take that away from you kid." Namjoon declares as he kissed the top of Jungkook's head "I'll protect you, I'll keep you safe. Always." Namjoon added on and Jungkook smiles through his tears before crying more hugging them all. "Yes Jungkook, don't cry. We'll keep you safe no matter what." Yoongi responded and Jungkook smiles more laughing through his tears "I-I love you guys."

And I mean every word, I love my hyungs to heaven and back.

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