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Again you're gone, gone on a different path then mine. I'm left behind wondering if I should follow.

There was silence in the room after Jimin explained to his mom and brother the reason he's home, his brother balled his fists while his mother frowned wondering if he's actually been deceived. "This famous boy is going to regret hurting you. Where is he now?-" "Jihyun-" "Now wait a second, did you speak to this boy about it? Did you two actually sit down and talk about it or did you just let your feelings get the better of you and you didn't let him get a chance to explain?" His Eomma asked looking between the two of them, Jihyun blinked in realization looking over at the latter who averted his gaze slightly guilty before he bit his lip.

"I was so upset because the girl who told me that slammed me into a locker and threatened me to stay away from him that I just left without a second thought..." Jimin explained and Jihyun looked from him to their Eomma for confirmation, she frowned softly "Min, I think you should sit with him and talk to him. After all, that's how relationships work." She said softly with her honest motherly tone that let the younger know she was serious, he sighed remaining silent as his eyes watered and Jihyun softened momentarily hugging him "Let it out... what are you not admitting yet..?" Eomma asked as Jihyun hugged him.

Jimin cracked and sobbed into his brother's embrace "Eomma, I love him... I love him so much I can't even fathom losing him.. especially to the likes of her." Jimin cried and his Eomma got up hugging him tightly embracing him "Hey, Min... we'll figure this out. In the meantime if this turns out to be not true, you owe him a big apology baby..." his Eomma said softly and he nodded his head as his brother wiped his tears from his eyes "Actually, you know what. Get dressed, I have an idea of nostalgia you'd want to do." Jihyun said and his mom looked at them both "What do you wanna do Minnie?" She asked gently as he calmed down a bit and he looked up at Jihyun smiling gently "Sure, let's do it." Jimin replied and Jihyun smiled at him. Jimin followed the latter outside to his car and they drove to where Jihyun had in mind.

~A few minutes later~

The car pulled up to the front of the Park residence. "Thank you Enrique." Taehyung said softly to the boy who smiled through the rear view mirror getting out of the car and helping him take the bags out of the trunk, Jungkook eyeing him questioningly as he rolled his eyes mockingly "Enrique you've been so kind. Thank you, be sure to pick us up when we're ready to go." Taehyung said to the boy who nodded his head overly eager "Y-Yes Kim Taehyung, of course. Have a safe time. And you too Mr Jungkook. Enjoy your time in Busan." He said shyly to which Taehyung giggled and he smiled proud of himself before he got into the car driving off.

Jungkook looked at him once the driver left and he raised an eyebrow "W-What?" Taehyung asked gently and Jungkook smirked "Enriqueeeee is totally into you." Jungkook teased to which the latter's eyes widened before he smiled and waved it off "Yeah, I know. You telling me things I already figured out." He said as he grabbed Jungkook's suitcase looking at him "Alright, you wanna crash at my moms house... or Jimin's?" Taehyung asked and The singer blinked not sure what to say before he sighed softly "Jimin's, no offense or anything-" "None taken. Come on." Taehyung said leading him up the path to Jimin's mom's house which was a mansion with pretty pink cherry blossom trees growing all around.

They reached the front doors and Taehyung pressed the doorbell as it played the tune to Euphoria and Jungkook's eyes widened looking at Taehyung who smirked "Oh yeah, Jimin had this done once his crush on you developed into more intimate feelings. His mom loved the idea and she loves your voice but she doesn't know you, so we'll see what happens." Taehyung said to Jungkook who feels a warmth in his heart.

Then he saw her, a fair skinned maiden with beautiful shoulder length hair and crescent eyes and he felt like he just met the older female version of the love of his life Jimin "Hi Taehyung! It's lovely to see you baby!" She spoke with a heavenly tone as she kissed his forehead before her eyes settled on the latter and she took a moment to pinpoint and then her smile grew "Ah, The Jeon Jungkook. It's a pleasure to meet you, however if you're looking for Jimin he's not here. He and Jihyun left to go somewhere." Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged looks and then Taehyung's eyes widen as he smirked mischievously "That's perfect Eomma Park. Can we come in?" Taehyung asked and she smiled genuinely opening the door wider "Please, Come in. Leave your shoes at the door." Taehyung nodded pulling Jungkook inside the house as they both took their shoes off by the door.

~Jimin and Jihyun~
Jimin was told to wait in the car for Jihyun goes to do something, then he sees Jihyun approach the car and he opens Jimin's door "Come Jimin, let me show you what awaits you." Jihyun said offering him his hand and Jimin blinked before smiling as he took his hand walking with him, his eyes widened as he saw what lies ahead of them and he lit up seeing the gaming arena they used to play in that their parents told them closed down. He looked at Jihyun and he wasn't sure what to say "Jihyun... what.. this place closed down... how.." Jimin asked looking to his brother who smiled "Your man paid for this to be re-opened since he lived here in Busan too." Jihyun said and Jimin's heartbeat increased M-My man...? Wait, Jungkook?.... He did this?

Jimin looked at him seeing him pull out a key to open the arena up and he flicked the lights on, Jimin gasped seeing the Banner that dropped down "For Minnie, I am not sure how to say what I feel for you." He looked over at Jihyun who rubbed the back of his head "When I saw the Minnie I thought it was for someone else. That's why I never told you about it, that and you cut off contact with me when you moved to America." Jihyun said and Jimin blinked before he blushed softly at the token of gesture from Jungkook. "Do you feel better now that you know about this...?" Jihyun asked softly to which Jimin nodded with a smile and he sighed in relief "Okay, let's go." He turned the lights off closing the place back up as he tossed Jimin the keys and they got into the car. Home we go.

You had to go, but of course it's always fair.. I probably could catch up with you tomorrow.

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