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"I love you.." It's been five months since Jimin's last heard those words, since Jimin's last heard Jungkook's godly vocals, since he's been held and kissed by Jungkook.

Jimin keeps waking up hoping this is all a sick joke and Jungkook just went for a car drive and that he'd be back but.. it's not just a sick joke.

Jungkook... where are you..?

July 21st.
Babe, I've been writing in my diary at a loss for words because I am not sure what's happened or if you're okay, I don't even know how to contact you since your phone isn't turned on. Why would you turn it off...? Sigh, listen I miss you so much I've lost my appetite. Please come back to me babe.. please be okay, Eomma is so worried about you and so are your fans. Some have found me and they reached out hoping you're okay.

I miss you..
love, Jimin.

Jimin sits up in his bed rubbing his knees as he took a breath going to the window looking outside, the sky looked as gloomy as he felt. He wanted more than anything for Jungkook to be there, for him to hug him again and kiss him senseless. He closed his eyes in angst before he left his room going downstairs seeing his Eomma and Jihyun in the kitchen "Hey Minnie I made you your favorite!" His mom said trying to lighten up the mood, he nodded his head sliding into the chair seating himself at the table earning him both of their attentions and they frowned. His mom sat next to him rubbing his back gently.

"Sweetie, I know you're worried about him but please.. please eat. You're not going to get better if you don't eat." She said softly and Jimin shook his head "I'm fine.. I'm not even getting bad. Don't assume things Eomma, okay?" He said as he picked at the food, not even really attempting to eat before he just pushed the plate away taking a breath. "I'm going to step out, I'll be back. I can't sit in this house and act like everything is fine when the loves of my life both platonic and romantically are out there handling dangerous business." Jimin choked out before he grabbed his shoes putting them on walking out the door right afterwards.

Jihyun and his mom shared very concerned looks between each other. "He's getting bad Eomma... he hasn't been eating, he hasn't been sleeping.. he'll fall ill if he doesn't pick himself up.." Jihyun said worried, his mom nodded her head sympathetically hugging him comfortingly "I know baby, I know."

He stood outside feeling the light breeze on his face walking away from the house as he heard tires screeching and he braced himself knowing not to hope that it was his baby. "Jimin!" He froze slowly turning around and his eyes met Taehyung's and for a second it was silent as he's processing what he's seeing. "TaeTae...?" He asks softly to make sure, Taehyung smiles at him rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey Minnie.." Taehyung says, Jimin's eyes widen before he's running across the length pouncing into Taehyung's arms hugging him tightly "Tae! Oh my god. I missed you so much- where's Jungkook? Is he okay because-.."

"About that, Get in the car babes. You're gonna wanna see this." Taehyung said and Jimin nodded instantly getting into the car, Taehyung got in after him before he noticed his massive weight imbalance and furrowed his eyebrows "Minnie... you look.. horrible." Jimin looked down in silence and Taehyung's features softened "You really missed us.. okay. I'm not mad.. Buckle up, buttercup." He instructed and Jimin nodded softly buckling the seatbelt watching Taehyung start to drive, he looked out the window watching the scenery pass by.

A few minutes later they pulled up to a beautiful scenic area and Jimin noticed tons of people in elegant outfits standing around and some with cameras taking photos, he instantly felt insecure and gripped Taehyung's arm "Wh-What is this place..? Where are we..?" Jimin asked shyly and Taehyung smiled gently at him tugging him along with him, Jimin watched as he spoke to the people around and he heard the words "We're here for Jeon." leave Taehyung's lips and Jimin blinked registering that as Jungkook's last name letting Taehyung lead the way before they stepped through these grand gold doors.

Mr Fame and Fortune {Jikook Story}Where stories live. Discover now