Chapter 17 💜

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Taehyung got out of his car parking it in the garage of his house going through the door to his living room taking off his shoes and sweater, he yawned lightly snuggling into his bed before he turned on the TV taking his phone out to call Jimin as his best friend requested of him)

Jungkook looked over at Jimin sitting on the couch cuddled under the blanket that draped over his smaller form, his eyes taking in the duck lip shape of his plush lips watching how his hair fell over his eyes and created bangs across his tiny ears Jimin you're so beautiful. Jungkook was mesmerized by the boy in front of him as he was melting under his existence thankful he wasn't aware, that is until his phone rang. The singer's eyes widened as he saw Jimin get up from the couch to go towards him and he blushed heavily averting his gaze once the smaller was already in view. Jimin smiled shyly having seen Jungkook watching him and he answered his phone

"Hi ginger, just wanted to let you know that I am home." Taehyung said nuzzling into his blankets.
"Oh thank goodness, I'm happy to hear that best friend. I had a good time today."

Taehyung smiled softly at that "I'm sure your night is about to be a lot more fun." He teased squinting his eyes.

Jimin blinked not having caught the full meaning "Taehyung, what could possibly happen that you'd say- O-Oh.." Jimin's cheeks flushed as it dawned on him, he'd been frozen in the spot. Taehyung's honey-dew laughter could be hurt on the other end "Minnie, I'm gonna go to sleep. Have a good night and I'll see you after work tomorrow for Sehyoon's party." Jimin smiled at that nodding his head even though he knew Taehyung couldn't see him doing so. "Yes totally. And You too, goodnight best friend." Jimin said before he hung up looking up to see Jungkook's eyes watching him as they'd grown wide and he averted his gaze.

Jimin walked over to the latter fighting the intense butterflies racing through his stomach, ignoring how his mind was spurring with many ideas, with no ideas. He just knew he was going to approach him, He blushed lightly before he hesitantly placed his hand on the singer's hand as he was slicing up the meat to cook the food he was making. Jungkook's eyes focused on his slicing though his attention was on Jimin's small fingers delicately on top of his "Jungkook Ah.. I know you were checking me out, I could.. feel your gaze." Jimin said and Jungkook frowned thinking he'd let him down.

"I-I'm sorry Min, I didn't mean to upset you." He whispered shyly causing the smaller's face to soften upon realizing what the latter thought he meant and he wrapped his small arms around the singer's waist hugging his broadened back to his chest unable to help taking in his scent "J-Jungkook, I'm not upset.. In fact I.. I liked it..." Jimin whispered, the latter inhaled sharply feeling his emotions get tossed around at the sensation of his ginger hugging him, bodies semi pressed together. He took a breath before he spun around encasing the smaller in his arms looking at him "Jimin.. I don't know how to explain the amount of crazy you're driving me." He said softly raising one hand to caress Jimin's cheek with his thumb, the smaller entranced by the singer's soft side displayed for him.

"I-I think I can figure that out with your guidance..." Jimin whispered softly and he saw as Jungkook's eyes darkened "I'm more than happy to guide you.." he whispered before he bit his lip hoisting him up into his arms, Jimin's legs wrapping around his waist as Jungkook placed him on the counter. Both sporting slightly heavy breaths as the singer captured the flushed boys plump pink lips that drive him crazy kissing him passionately, his hands traveling along his body taking in the lovely feel of his slim waist against his bigger hands as Jimin's hands found purchase in his thick hair "Mmm... Jimin... Jimin please stop enticing me... please..." Jungkook whispered huskily against Jimin's lips between placing kiss after kiss unable to help himself from tasting him.

Jimin breathed heavily feeling his heartbeat increase with the intensity of how surreal this all seemed to him. He was with Jungkook, He is being kissed and pampered by the Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook was here lovingly touching on him and Jimin wasn't sure if this was a dream but if it was he knew he didn't want to be woken up. A few minutes of their growing steamy make out session go by before the bell rings halting them both as Jungkook relentlessly pulls away looking up at Jimin who was sporting swollen lips with flushed cheeks.

"I-I'll see who it is, don't be scared..." He assures cupping his cheeks placing another kiss feeling Jimin reciprocate before he went to the door looking through the peephole making out a silhouette before his eyes pinpointed who it was and he took a breath "May I ask why you're here?" Jungkook asked keeping his voice neutral even though his stomach was exploding with butterflies and his nerves were all shot which was a new for him since he hasn't felt this way in a good while.

"Mr Jungkook? I have a couple of packages for you. They say urgent." Jungkook nodded his head at that "Who are they from?" Jungkook asked pulling the door open "There's some from fans, and then there's one from JooE." The timid mail lady spoke with her soft accent. Jungkook's jaw slacked almost immediately and he bit his tongue to avoid saying something "Thank you Ms Wong. I appreciate it." He said managing to put up a smile in which she frowned before returning "You're welcome baby, I'm sorry I couldn't just ignore the packages I'm supposed to deliver them all."

She said and Jungkook smiled fondly momentarily not mad anymore "Of course Ms Wong. Thank you." Jungkook said softly looking at her as she smiled waving to him before she spotted Jimin and her eyes widened "Awww Jungkook baby, You found your person. You treat him real good baby." Jungkook's cheeks flushed and he smiled endearingly at her "And you Mr 'too cute to be older than Jungkook' Park, you treat my baby good too okay?" She said and Jimin blushed deeply nodding his head "Y-Yes Ms Wong." The boys responded in unison before they blushed more and giggled, she watched them both before she walked away with the rest of the mail she has.

Jungkook closed the door behind her watching her get on the elevator before he turns to look at his ginger "She's really sweet." Jimin said shyly and he smiled at him "Oh she loves you. And she's the sweetest, I don't know what I'd do without her." Jungkook admitted and Jimin saw his raw emotion of sadness before he slowly covered it with his manly persona. "Jungkook, it's okay.. you don't have to be scared of showing your emotions." Jimin said softly and Jungkook scoffed unintentionally "No, I'm sorry I don't mean that. But the reason I don't show my feelings is because the girls who .. they will take that advantage and try to take my down when I'm vulnerable.." Jungkook sighed softly and Jimin frowned wanting to know him much better.

After a couple moments of silence, Jimin yawned. He was tired, at this Jungkook squeezes Jimin's hands gently looking at him "Thank you.. for listening. Come, let's get you to bed so you can be well rested tomorrow." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded walking towards the Guest room, Jungkook watched him before he slowly ran up behind scooping him up "Where do you think you're going? You're not sleeping in there alone." Jimin gasped before giggling softly "I was going to sleep in the guest room." He said softly and Jungkook stared at him before he kissed his lips "Yeah, no. To my room we go." Jungkook said carrying him bridal style up the stairs to his room, he laid Jimin down on the bed and he turned the lights out changing into his basketball shorts taking in a sharp breath of Jimin's beautiful thick thighs outlined by his large shirt.

He laid down next to Jimin feeling the latter press his backside up against his body and the singer had to take a breath to compose himself over the temptation of literally loving Jimin down, he placed his hand over the smaller's waist pulling him to his chest wrapping his arms snug around him as it fell into peaceful silence.


"Yeah...?" Jimin whispered back softly

"I... I like you."

Jimin's heartbeat increased as he melted into Jungkook's embrace feeling his eyes water secretly praying that this wasn't a dream.

"I... I like you too." Jimin whispered back feeling himself fall asleep to the sound of Jungkook's heartbeat.

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