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"... What are you going to do?" She asked watching the taller girl next to her who paced back and forth, the smaller was quite nervous about whatever she had planned because that meant she'd have to go along with it. "Jisoo..?" JooE said softly seeing her have her lightbulb moment "I know exactly what I'm going to do. Can I call your sister?" Jisoo asked catching JooE off guard as she hadn't anticipated that, she furrowed her eyebrows wondering what the taller had in mind "What's the number for..?" She asked cautiously seeing the older give her a certain look and she winced passing her the IPhone "Thank you. I need her number because I'm going to give her a call." The taller said with a smirk and JooE furrowed her eyebrows "But why? What for Jisoo?" JooE asked just trying to understand, Jisoo's face darkened and she looked at the smaller who visibly flinched "I'm going to hit Jungkook where it hurts. He thought he'd leave me? Okay, I'll make sure his precious orange haired bitch thinks about if he's even worth it." Jisoo said simply before she smiled brightly once the other end picked up "Hi Janwoo! Jisoo here." Watch your back pretty boy.}

Jimin let out a subtle yawn rubbing his eyes after his current customer thanked him and left, he worked a longer shift today and it took a toll on him but he was off from work tomorrow so he was happy. He felt his presence, his doe eyes watching him closely with intense care and caution and he smiled tiredly before seeing both of his friends giving him a bright smile which he knew to mean 'Spill' he groaned blushing lightly "Wh-What?" Jimin said softly until a mood came over him, he hadn't seen or heard from Taehyung in about 2 days and this wasn't like Taehyung to go MIA. He didn't like this feeling. Worried would be an understatement.

He saw a new customer come in and he greeted them though his emotions were dull "Hi! welcome what can I get you?" He asked and that's when everything went bad. "Nobody move! Put your hands up where I can see them!" Jimin's eyes widened as quite literally everyone was panicked and he started to shake, Oh god I'm going to die- Wait! His eyes focused on the person held hostage by the gunman and his eyes watered "Taehyung, No..!" Jimin made the split decision and jumped over the counter, the gunman raised his gun holding his arm around the brown haired boy tighter.

"I said don't move! Which one of you is the goody two shoes Park Jimin? As long as you give me Jimin. Maybe nothing will happen to the rest of you." He spoke harshly, Jimin's heart pounded in his chest and his eyes saw that Taehyung was terrified "Baby..." Jimin whispered seeing his feared eyes "M-Me..." Jimin whispered and Taehyung's eyes widened "D-Don't!" Taehyung cried for Jimin's safety and Jimin took a breath in that moment,

This is Taehyung, my soulmate. My best friend, my innocent baby who I love very much. I'm doing this for him. No turning back.

Jimin gained subtle courage "It's me! I'm Park Jimin. I'm the one you want, please let him go.." Jimin spoke though his voice was shaking, the gunman looked at him in silence before he dropped Taehyung and he placed his gun facing Jimin's forehead "You're stupid giving yourself up like that, now. I don't want to do this but I heard you've been causing trouble meddling into people's relationships and I have no problem getting rid of trouble makers." The gunman said clicking the safety off, Jimin flinched feeling his heart drop to his ass "So, lovely to meet you finally Jimin." He said as he went to fire the gun, Jimin felt his heart shatter as he took a sharp breath knowing this was it,

He wouldn't see his mom anymore, he wouldn't be able to see his brother, he wouldn't have Taehyung anymore. He wouldn't be able to be with Jungkook... this was it... he had to accept this to protect Taehyung.... Wait.

in a flash the gunman is tackled to the floor as the gun slides out of his hand across the floor.

Jimin opens his eyes to see Jungkook wrestling him down and he felt an intense growth of admiration for the singer before his attention went to Taehyung and he slid across the floor hugging him tightly before Taehyung gripped his face, his eyes watering "Jimin.. Jimin you're so stupid.. you're so.. so stupid." the younger scolded sadly staring into his best friends equally as watery eyes "I did it to protect you... I wasn't going to let you die..." Jimin cried as Taehyung hugged him tightly "I don't care you're stupid.. so stupid... he didn't want me. He wanted you. God forbid he did kill you." Taehyung cried as he kept a tight embrace on Jimin, Byeongkwan came over to them and helped them both up "Taehyung... Jimin.. come with me." He offered them a soft smile ushering to his car, they both looked at each other before Jimin's attention went back to the boy of his dreams.

Jungkook and the gunman were in a tussle for the gun and Sehyoon ran over kicking the gun away from the shooter, Jungkook used that advantage and punched the shooter repetitively in the face. "You've got some nerve attempting to shoot Jimin, I don't care who sent you or what you think you're doing but if you ever come near my Jimin again. You're going to be very sorry." Jungkook threatened as he got up from the floor looking up to hear sirens and Sehyoon grabbed him pulling him away from the scene as the police grabbed the gunman handcuffing him.

He was pulled outside and his attention went to Taehyung and Jimin who were sitting inside the car hugging each other. He took a nervous breath approaching them "Taehyung... Jimin... are you okay?" He asked cautiously looking at both the teary eyed boys, Jimin looked up at him and he let out a sigh as their eye contact let him know to not talk about it right now. He nodded his head respectfully and got inside the car "Where to, Min...?" Jungkook asked looking at them both from the rear view mirror feeling so bad seeing them like this, he started the ignition as he patiently waited for an answer.

"Take us to his moms house. He's going to be in need of a mom-  "N-No... just.. can I crash at your house Jimin...?" Taehyung asked looking up at Jimin who's eyes flickered to Jungkook's "Yeah, yes of course." Jimin responded and Jungkook started to drive.

"Okay Taehyung... go to sleep, I'll be with you. Always. I'm not going to go to work for a couple days." Jimin spoke softly to Taehyung who was cuddled against him under the covers, Taehyung nodded his head in silence huddling close to his best friend who he felt solace with. "Taehyung, anyway I can bring the smile back to your face. Let me know and I'm going to do it." Jimin said running his fingers through his younger's brown hair "Be happy, Jimin... don't limit yourself on my account. But don't do anything you know I wouldn't allow without my thorough inspection." Taehyung scolded and they looked at each other in silence for a couple of minutes before they both smiled at each other.

"I love you Jimin.. I always wanna protect you." Taehyung said softly and Jimin smiled endearingly at him seeing him yawn "I love you, Taehyung. And believe me it's mutual." Jimin said as Taehyung smiled more becoming engulfed in his inevitable sleep. Jimin smiled kissing his forehead laying with him for a few moments more, he tiptoed out of the room a while later closing the door ever so gently making his way to the living room as he'd found Jungkook pacing back and forth. "J-Jungkook...? You okay...?" Jimin asked full of concern before his eyes widened as he was engulfed into the singers firm embrace, the smaller hugging back instantly; breathing him in for his scent of hazelnut and cinnamon brought Jimin intense ease.

"Jimin, I stayed because something in me told me you'd need me and I was right. But god forbid I hadn't stayed because I really wanted to be near you... Min, promise me... that I won't ever lose you.." Jungkook said after a while and Jimin looked up at him seeing the overflowing of sincerity and he smiled endearingly as the tension and feelings between them grew thick in the air "You won't lose me... I promise." Jimin spoke gently caressing Jungkook's cheek, the singer took a breath before he hooked his hands around Jimin's waist hoisting him up so his legs wrapped around the singers waist and he looked into his eyes "Jimin... I like you." Jungkook confessed and Jimin's heartbeat increased causing him to blush "I-I like you too Jungkook... a lot.." the smaller confessed and the singer smiled before crashing their lips together passionately, the smaller reciprocating unhesitatingly. Jungkook pulled Jimin off the wall in the kiss and he carried him into his room closing the door behind him.

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