Chapter 14 🐰🐣

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Jungkook looked at Taehyung after Jimin walked off seeing him grip his phone tightly "Could... could it be about his Eomma? If it is he's in need of comforting he can't go through this alone.." Jungkook's chest tightened looking at him and he took a breath "Go after him Taehyung.. he's your best friend you know him best." Jungkook said softly looking down at the marbled floor, Taehyung looked over at him in silence before he smiled fondly "No Jungkook, I may know him better but he's going to want you. Besides, this is your chance to prove to me you're worthy of being with my best friend." Taehyung said as Jungkook looked up at him in surprise taking in the smile and he relaxed smiling at him "Thank you Tae.. You.. won't regret this. Text Jimin, keep him alert." Jungkook said softly as he took off in the direction Jimin had walked off to.

Jimin sat down in one of the quiet corners of the building where it overlooks the ocean and the boats, he took a shaky breath hugging his knees to his chest hearing his phone consistently buzzing in his pocket but he wasn't sure he even wanted to bother checking it. Jungkook happened to come across a flower stand and he took a breath before approaching and making a purchase fighting the intense butterflies in his chest.

Jimin sat there feeling his vision cloud with tears and he watched the waves crash together in silence remembering everything from before he had to leave his mom and dad in Busan, he was only 17. He was a kid, he missed his mom over pampering him, he missed his dad telling him how cute he looked in the morning and then telling him to 'break a leg' during his dancing recitals knowing how much he'd loved to dance and fathers normally shunned their sons for wanting to dance. He missed his little brother, Jihyun and how they'd bicker over everything and nothing.

Jimin let out a sigh as he heard the scraping of grovel and his eyes hesitantly darted over to where it was coming from and he held in a breath at what he saw; Jungkook standing there with a bouquet of Roses and a shy smile on his face, his eyes cast downward as he rubbed the back of his neck seemingly having a debate with himself. Jimin couldn't believe his eyes, this is the same Jungkook who fought Jun? He's the same Jungkook who'd kissed him speechless, literally? THIS was the same Jungkook who was incapable of feelings? Jimin couldn't deny the outpouring of butterflies in his stomach at the sight in front of him. Jungkook was absolutely shy and it was beyond endearing that Jimin smiled in awe at the sight in front of him.

".... Hey Minnie, these.. these are for you." Jungkook said shyly holding them out for Jimin who watched him in silence wondering if he should be amused or overly in awe at this side of Jungkook. The ginger haired boy got up from where he was sitting and he approached Jungkook taking the bouquet sniffing it with a gentle smile playing on his lips "These are beautiful, thank you.." Jimin said unable to help the butterflies he felt in his stomach seeing Jungkook smile back at him possibly even more shy than he was, they locked eyes for a while in a serene silence as time slowed down before it picked up again. "Can I... Can I sit with you..?" Jungkook asked softly and Jimin looked down shyly smiling brighter. "O-Of course you can.." Jimin said as he took his seat back where he was, Jungkook sat on the chair in front of him looking at the smaller in concern "Take your time, I won't rush." Jungkook said softly looking at him with sincerity in his eyes, Jimin looked from him to the ocean in silence as he contemplated just that.

Could he truly trust Jungkook? With his secrets...? With his life..? With his heart...?

Jimin readjusted himself hugging the flowers to his chest letting out a soft sigh "That's just it... I don't want you to be offended but.. truly, can I trust you? With my life... with everything...? How do I know you won't just leave me when things start to actually get serious?..." Jimin asked afraid to meet the eyes of the other, afraid of the emotion he was portraying. Jungkook took in his questions as he lightly held one of the smaller's hands in his hand making him look up at him. "You can trust me.. I promise you my life, that you can trust me.. I won't hurt you..." Jungkook said, the smaller gave him a pointed look and Jungkook winced braving his emotions "Jimin. I promise you I won't hurt you, again... Let me prove it to you...?" The singer pleaded feeling overly guilty for how he was with him, Jimin let out a shaky breath before nodding his head "Okay.. Okay Jungkook, I will." He responded and The singer sighed in relief internally looking at him in fondness, Jimin looked at the ocean bracing himself "I cried because I miss my mom, I miss my dad.. I miss my little brother. We would always be together.." Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed as he watched him intensely "I didn't know you had a little brother.." Jungkook whispered and Jimin scoffed sadly "Yeah his names Jihyun, he's younger than me. But How would you know? You never took the time to get to know me with your ignoring me.." Jimin saw the latter tense and he softened "S-Sorry." He responded quietly, Jungkook nodded his head "No, it's okay. I deserve that but Why... Why aren't you living with them..?" Jungkook asked gently looking at him, Jimin's eyes met his and he bit his lip.

"My brother had got caught up in some trouble and he came to me for help, with Tae's supervision I gave them a piece of my mind. Then they were out to get me..." Jungkook clenched his fist as his other hand caressed Jimin's hand "my Eomma wanted me to stay in the house but my Appa told me it's better I leave. I didn't want to but Appa said it was the best thing for them to do until they can insure my safety. My mom cried, I cried.. my brother and father were extremely teary eyed." Jimin let out a shaky breath and Jungkook placed his other hand over the ginger's hand. "I don't believe that a single person in my family had dry eyes when I had to leave my hometown. I miss my Eomma, I miss my Appa.. I miss Jihyun.. I-I'm feeling homesick.." Jungkook looked at him in silence as he nodded his head softly. "I'm here for you, Minnie.. I'm always going to be here." The singer confessed cupping his cheeks as he wiped his tears away meeting his eyes "Y-You're not gonna judge me...?" Jimin asked softly looking up at him, Jungkook caressed his cheek "No, of course not. I'd never judge you. It's not like that's something to be made fun of, I miss my family too." The singer admitted and Jimin's features softened looking at his saddened face, he gently placed his hand on the singer's cheek meeting his eyes.

"You'll see your family again Jungkook, I know you will." Jimin said softly, Jungkook smiled at him leaning into his touch "You will too Minnie. Are you feeling better?" Jungkook asked watching him intensely "Yes... talking to you, sitting with you.. I do feel better." The ginger confessed, Jungkook's smile grew as he looked at him "Good, let's go play us some games then." The singer declared scooping Jimin up in his arms, Jimin gasped softly before he erupted into giggles clinging to his arm "Ahh! Jungkook! Put me downnnn." Jimin squirmed giggling as Jungkook carried him into the Arena's lobby looking up at Taehyung who followed them inside.

Hmm, I know what I'm going to do.

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