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A few hours later~

"The party was great, but Jimin and Jungkook weren't here." Said Donghun who frowned, Byeongkwan gave him a look and he in turn furrowed his eyebrows "What is it Kwan? Tell me." Donghun said watching him, Byeongkwan rubbed his forehead gently "Jimin was attacked at work.." Donghun's eyes widened and concern took over "What?.." "A crazy gunman came in holding Taehyung hostage because he was looking for Jimin so he used his best friend as leverage. "Oh dear god.... Is he— are they—" "They're fine, Jungkook tackled the gunman and beat the crap out of him before the cops came to arrest him." Byeongkwan responded and Donghun let out a breath of relief "Thats a fucking relief, I'm going to go check on Jimin soon he must be terrified." Donghun said and Byeongkwan agreed. }

Jimin woke up to soft fluttery kisses on his face and he felt like a baby again being peppered in smooches by his Eomma, his eyes opened slowly and he was met with beautiful soft pink lips that belong to a doe eyed boy who was already staring in awe. He blushed rubbing his eyes "G-Good morning to you too, Handsome." Jimin whispered softly to which Jungkook smiled shyly. His phone started to ring and he frowned reaching over for it "Oh it's Sehyoon, and Byeongkwan they're probably worried sick because I forgot to tell them I was okay." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded his head at Jimin placing featherlight kisses on Jimin's shoulder and his forehead, Jimin picked up the phone.

"Jimin..?? Is that you?" Came byeongkwan's worried voice "Y-Yes I'm okay.. Taehyung and I are okay.." Jimin said softly hearing breaths of relief "Thsnk god you're okay, listen Sehyoon isn't even upset you didn't come. He's glad you're safe." Jimin groaned in remembrance "Oh no, I forgot about the party today.." Jimin mumbled as Jungkook buried his face into the crook of the smaller's neck breathing his scent in, his bigger hands circling Jimin's waist as a means to keep him in his safe embrace. "No don't even worry about it." Byeongkwan said "You know why?" He asked through the phone and Jimin shook his head though he knew he couldn't see him "No, why...?" Jimin asked softly running his fingers through Jungkook's fluffy hair which he was absolutely loving.

"Because Jimin what matters is that you are safe. You have no idea how much it would hurt us to care more about a party that we can have plenty of, we can't have plenty of you Jimin. There may be others out there, but trust us they'll never be you." Byeongkwan said and Jimin smiled warmly feeling his eyes water "We love you Ginger cakes, talk to you later..?" Sehyoon asked in the background, "Yes of course. Thank you for the compliment I love you guys..." "Annyeong Minnie!" They said in unison hanging up the phone.

Jimin took a breath hugging Jungkook closer than he already was, his fingers curling into his fluffy hair as he breathed him in and his other arm secured around his waist not even caring that his weight was on the smaller's body. He wanted him near, in times of sadness and danger Jungkook is who he runs to. Jungkook is his safety vest, his person. He wouldn't want to be anywhere that Jungkook isn't. He closed his eyes relishing in their intimate embrace that he was thankful didn't have to be sex or lust, it's just them wrapped in each other's comfort for fear of losing each other. Jimin wanted this, Jimin liked this feeling of security with Jungkook.

There was a light knock at the door and Jimin's eyes fluttered open "Tae Tae..? Is that you..?" Jimin asked softly stroking Jungkook's hair gently feeling his lips lightly brush the crook of his neck and he shuddered "Y-Yeah it's me Min.. I.. hope I'm not intruding on anything." Jimin and Jungkook met each other's eyes and their communication was mutual; Taehyung needs us. Taehyung needs you, Jimin. "Come in Taehyung, you're not intruding on us." Jimin said softly as Jungkook captured his lips in a butterfly busting cloud 9 sort of kiss which left Jimin blushing as he reciprocated the kiss before they both pulled away seeing Taehyung come into the room, Jimin pulled his arm from around Jungkook's waist holding his arm out for Taehyung.

"come here best friend, lay with me. I know you're in need of my attention. I'm always here." He assured looking at Taehyung who then crawled into his embrace hugging his arm close, Jimin kissed his forehead lightly looking at Jungkook who met his eyes placing soft kissed on his cheek before looking down at Taehyung. "Hey Tae.. I just want you to know that... no matter how much I may want to just keep Jimin's cute self all to myself.. I won't ever come in between you two." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung who smiled softly at him hugging Jimin firmly to which Jimin nestled his cheek against his hair.

"Thank you Jungkook, that brings me ease." Taehyung said softly and Jimin smiled at him sliding further down the bed to be perfectly in between the two who were quite literally both cuddling Jimin, Jungkook's hand nestled in his hair and the other gently over his stomach while Taehyung had his leg entwined with Jimin's thigh and his hands wrapped around Jimin's arm. He kissed both of their foreheads gently letting out a soft breath of air, Jungkook Ah.. Taehyung Ah... I love you so much I would do anything for you both.

The sleepiness from the two pulling him back under, not that he was complaining.

Goodnight to my two favorite boys..

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