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Byeongkwan and Donghun shoot Jimin a couple texts to let him know about the party before Byeongkwan looked at Donghun "Do you think he'll bring Jungkook so they can be seen in public together and he won't be alone in case we can't find him in the big party we're throwing?" Byeongkwan asked to which the latter's eyebrows furrowed "Why would he need to be protected? Am I missing something?" Donghun asked and Byeongkwan winced placing a hand on his shoulder "There's a lot you should know. Our little brother has gotten himself into a bad rep that I don't plan to save him from because he frankly doesn't deserve it." Byeongkwan said and his hyung nodded nervously "What has he done...? Wait not Chan right because he's our maknae and he couldn't possibly do any wrong-" "No, not Chan. Jun." Donghun blinked before his face grew stern "What did he do?" The younger let out a sigh as he began to explain}

Jimin woke up in a cold sweat seeing Jungkook not in the bed and his mind went swirling for an unknown reason, he took a breath feeling a near panic attack Oh no, he's not here. He's not here. I'm alone, I'm alone. Fuck... fuck. Jimin closed his eyes feeling his hyperventilating start. In a split second Jungkook appeared behind him wrapping both of his arms around his midriff burying his face in Jimin's hair "I'm here... I'm right here. I didn't leave you, I don't know what's wrong but I'm here Min." He whispered in his ear soothingly rubbing semi circles into Jimin's back as his anxiety diminished slowly.

"J-Jungkook... I thought you left... I couldn't control the panic I felt. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have you focus your attention on me.-" "No, stop that nonsense. You mean everything to me. You mean everything to me. I will always be here for you." Jungkook said continuing to rub circles into his back, Jimin let out a quiet sigh opening his eyes "J-Jungkook..." he whispered softly feeling one of Jungkook's hands caress his cheek as he met his eyes "Jimin... it's okay. I'm here. I'm right here." He said soothingly feeling Jimin nod his head before a small smile formed on his lips "Uh.. Jungkook.. what made you come check on me...?" Jimin asked softly staring into his eyes to see the fondness "Min I knew, I had this deep feeling you weren't okay. My heart told me that you were upset and I didn't hesitate." He admitted and Jimin felt his heart grow twice in admiration for the boy before him "Thank you Jungkook.." He whispered softly as they laid in each other's embrace for about 30 minutes more.

Jimin got up from the bed after feeling much needed comforting from Jungkook brushing his teeth and hair and the latter watched him intently before he got up coming up behind him effectively pinning him against the bathroom sink looking at their reflection in the mirror "Minnie, can I know what you need to put any kind of makeup on for?" He asked softly against the smaller's ear hearing his intake of breath unable to help the smirk that played on his lips seeing the smaller's flustered face in the mirror "I told you I have a birthday party to attend to after work. It's Sehyoon's birthday today and I promised I'd be there for the surprise party they're throwing." Jimin responded softly and the atmosphere changed which Jimin felt as he brought his eyes up to meet the singer's doe eyes in the mirror "Even though I feel like it's a yes. A-Are you... jealous?" Jimin asked softly looking up at the singer who's hands found purchase on his waist but not in a needy way, in a dominant intimate kind of way. In a You're mine and only mine kind of way that was shooting butterflies all through Jimin's stomach.

The singer took a breath placing his mouth next to Jimin's ear feeling the increased breathing of the boy "Jimin, I won't stop you from going. But you're not going alone. If you're ever out of my sight and somethings up, I'll know. If you're being flirted on by any of the boys that'll be there, I'll know. If you're sad for any reason, I'll know. But I want you to come to me and tell me anyway, okay? I'm here for you. Always." Jungkook said against his ear, aggressive at first but he mellowed out with every other word padding circles into Jimin's hips with his fingers. Jimin inhaled sharply dropping the pallete and brush he was holding into the sink as he grew weak to his own surprise "J-Jungkook..." He whispered averting looking at the mirror for the fact he knew he was blushing like crazy, Jungkook pressed their bodies together holding Jimin up as he felt a spark of pleasure from the smaller being whipped for him and he couldn't deny that he liked it.


He loved it. He absolutely loved the feeling of Jimin only wanting him, though he wouldn't force him to choose as they technically weren't dating.


Yet, Jungkook. Yet. Let him make his choice, you just continue to woo him and show him how whipped for him you are and how sorry you are for being so harsh to him.

After what felt like quite a long time of Jimin wondering what to wear and Jungkook eyeing him with pure admiration and maybe some lust, cracking up into laughter at every cute thing he did. Jungkook pulled up to the front of Jimin's job, cute little cafe with the red coffee mug painted outside and the cute little coffee mug and macaroon designed chairs. Jimin looked at the cafe with a smile looking over at Jungkook as he opened the car door "Th-Thank you for driving me." He said earnestly stepping out onto the sidewalk "You're welcome Min, have a good day." Jungkook said and Jimin smiled at the latter closing the car door behind him. The singer watched as he entered the cafe greeted Byeongkwan and Sehyoon and he smiled before his instincts kicked in causing him to turn off the engine getting out the car going inside the cafe shortly after him, he sat down in one of the chairs keeping an eye out subtly while having ordered a few things.

If what I'm feeling is right, Jimin is in danger if he's by himself. I don't see Taehyung so I'll protect him myself like I've been doing.

No harm will come to my Jimin.

Mr Fame and Fortune {Jikook Story}Where stories live. Discover now