🐰Chapter 7~ 🐣

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After Leaving the School ... Jungkook walked Jimin to his car holding the door open for him, once Jimin was secured with the seat belt Jungkook placed both the duffel bags in the back as got in the driver seat. He started the ignition and he drove to his house "Hey, Jeon.." Jimin said softly looking from the window at him "Yes Jimin?" Jungkook asked softly looking from the road to him and back to the road making a right "Thank you, you saved my life. Taehyung would've been very disappointed to know he couldn't save me. Not that I blame him for not being there or anything.." Jimin trailed off letting out a sigh and the latter's eyebrows furrowed "What is it Jimin? talk to me." Jungkook persuaded as he drove to a red light.

"I appreciate what you did, it means a lot to me.. I... wouldn't have been able to show my face around school anymore. I don't know why I didn't see this coming, I guess he didn't strike me as the type. He seemed so kind when I met him a year ago but I wasn't smart enough to see through him.." Jimin whispered as his voice cracked, Jungkook felt his heart hurt listening to Jimin downgrade himself "Heyy, Hey.. Jimin you're not stupid. You're the smartest, kindest boy that I've ever met. Don't ever say that about yourself, I like you the way you are. Don't blame yourself for not seeing through Jun's shitty behavior. You're so much better than him." Jungkook said speaking with his heart placing his hand on the ginger's thigh, squeezing softly as he started to drive the rest of the way to his house. Jimin looked at the hand on his thigh before he looked back out the window, Jungkook parked the car in the garage getting out and going to his side to let him out before he grabbed their duffel bags out of the trunk.

Jimin looked at his luxurious home in awe watching as the latter went to the door unlocking it, Jimin following behind taking his shoes off at the door as a sign of respect walking inside the house. Jungkook watched him walk inside and he smiled at him closing the door behind him. He carried their bags to his room before coming back downstairs, Jimin looked around in awe at the neatly painted red and gold walls with silver streamers and a big banner hung from the living room and he smiled warmly reading the words 'Happy birthday to our beloved baby bunny, Jungkook!'

His hyungs really love him, but I mean.. who wouldn't...?

"Hey Jimin, lets go see my Hyungs." Jungkook said leading the way for Jimin peering through the halls, his hand subconsciously reaching behind him as to shield Jimin "hyungs..? I'm home." Jungkook said softly before confetti burst open and everyone jumped out from behind their hiding spots "Surprise! Happy birthday Jungkook!" The hyungs all yelled in unison, Jungkook's eyes widened after his initial need to protect Jimin subsided with surprise and he smiled in awe "Hyungs! You didn't have to do this!" The younger cooed looking around before he spotted the cake and he smiled brighter "Yes we did, it's our boy's first birthday back with us. And we missed you so much.- Who's your cute friend?" Hoseok asked and Jungkook blushed narrowing his eyes at him rubbing his neck "This.. this is-"

"Jimin! I'd recognize you anywhere." All heads turned to see Jin making his way over to the orange haired boy who gasped seeing him "Jin Hyung! Welcome home!" Jimin said and Jin smiled at him "Get in here, squirt." Jin said as they both embraced, he rested his chin on top of Jimin's head and the rest of the boys tilted their heads at them. "How are you doing ginger baby." Jin asked and Jimin blushed "I'm doing great Jin, and how about you? How were your travels?" Jimin asked softly looking at him in wonder "Ah, see they were okay because I'm worldwide handsome but some of the models there have zero potential I don't know why they try." Jin said causing Jimin to giggle which in turn made Jungkook melt but also made him bubble with something akin to jealousy. "Jin.. how do you know Jimin?" the youngest asked thoroughly confused with how his hyung knew his Jimin. Jin smiled turning to the youngest after releasing jimin's hug ruffling his orange hair making him smile brighter

"I met this bright kid a few years back. Through the modeling agency, he absolutely blew me away with some of his pictures and his beautiful smile. Before he had orange hair and even now. I had to have his information because I knew he was potential, but I guess someone or something tied him down to school because he told me modeling wasn't something he wants to do, he told me he wanted to finish school and have fun with his loved ones. I told him I respect that decision and the position will always be open, only for him." Jin responded truthfully looking back at the orange haired boy who's eyes gleamed with tears of fondness and Jin smiled softly at him "Awwww, Jin you're so cute I don't understand how people don't see that." Namjoon said and Jungkook's eyes widened looking between the two of them before his eyes settled on Jimin and his heart tugged at him to hug him "Jimin, don't cry.. you're too pretty to cry." The singer said approaching the emotional orange haired boy, his usually cold composure breaking down seeing his precious ginger cry as his hands lightly caress the smaller's cheeks.

Jimin's eyes flickered up to meet the singers eyes as his bigger hands cupped his cheeks lightly wiping his tears away. "I... I wasn't sad Jeon.." Jimin spoke barely above a whisper as his fingers clasped over Jungkook's bigger fingers, Jungkook searches his eyes before a heartfelt smile spread on his lips "I don't ever want to see you cry, you are too cute to be sad Jimin."  The singer confessed and The dancer's eyes widened as he blushed. For a couple seconds in which seemed like hours the two forgot everything and everyone else around them.

Jungkook, What are you doing? You're showing feelings you don't have. Stop this right now.

Maybe you're wrong, I was that way before. But... Jimin, he means something to me. And I won't let you take that away.

"Uh... Hey, Jungkook. Sorry to burst your little intimate bubble but it is your birthday and the party's waiting." Jin hyung spoke which slowly pulled their eyes away from each other's and Jungkook looked at him "Yeah.. let's party." He said shooting a fond look towards Jimin who'd been blushing as he walked over to where the bottles of Soju were and he looked over at Jin with questioning eyes "Are we allowed to drink today Hyung?" Jimin asked looking at Jin and his Hyung smiled at him considering it "Yes, but only because it's his birthday. It's a reuniting and you guys are off from school the next couple days, maybe a week or so." Jin said and Jungkook smiled at him passing him the cups for them to pour out passing them around to the hyungs. "To our Jungkookie, may you have a blessed life and lots of fun times. Happy birthday Jungkook." Hoseok said to start of the cheers for Jungkook and he smiled warmly at his Hyung "Thank you, Hyung." The smallest said softly as the words of endearment continued with all his Hyungs. To say Jungkook was happy was an understatement, Jungkook hadn't known the last time he felt wholesomely loved without worrying about irrelevant people.

This is going to be the best birthday ever.

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