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After the gunshot there was indefinite silence, no yelling. No footsteps, Nothing.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock...

Jimin held his stomach feeling uneasy as he made his way down the stairs slowly with Taehyung directly behind him alert for anything at all. Jimin looked around seeing Jihyun and he felt a bit of relief before he saw a pair of shoes and he staggered over seeing both Jun and Jungkook on the floor, his knees gave in on him and Taehyung caught him before he fell. Jimin looked at the love of his life in silence unsure what to feel as he shook his head violently "No... No.." Taehyung and Jihyun hugged him as he shook his head listening to the actual sound of his heart breaking.

He's dead. Jungkook is dead.

"No.. no.. no..." Jimin mumbled in a trance as he pushed out of their grasp collapsing onto his knees next to Jungkook watching him through teary eyes "No... Please no.. God don't you dare take him away ... Jungkook please... please get up." Jimin cried as the tears streamed down his face, Taehyung stood there watching him in silence as he teared up "Jimin.." "No! No..! I won't leave him, please! I can't. I won't." He cried and Taehyung broke seeing him so sad, Jimin looked back at Jungkook gripping his hand gently as he placed his head on the taller's chest crying through his frustration

Why did you do this to him?? He only wanted to protect me! Why would you do this to me.

"He was after me... Me! Not you.. why did you do this..? Why did you protect me..?" Jimin cried as he fisted his hands shaking his head more "Minnie.. you know he would've protected you over anything else." Taehyung said quietly before Jimin shook his head "But he was after me.. Taehyung, he wanted ME not him. That should be ME laying there.." Jimin choked out and Taehyung nodded sadly, Jimin looked back down at Jungkook in a blind mess of tears.

"Why..? Why would you risk your life and leave me...? Why did you do it..." Jimin whispered as he closed his eyes allowing the tears to fall, no one in the room dared say anything.

Babe... babe please get up... don't be dead.. please don't do this to me.

Don't leave me....

"... Because baby.. I love you.. I protect the one I love.. it's my fault he's after you, because he's her hit man and she wanted you to stay away from me..." Jimin's eyes flew open and he turned to look down at Jungkook who's hand lifted to caress his tear streaked cheek "Jungkook... oh my god, you're.. you're okay..." Jimin cried leaning into his touch earning a small smile from him, the entire atmosphere of the room getting swept with relief at Jungkook being okay. "I thought I lost you. I.. Don't know what I would've done if something were to happen to you, Jungkook I love you so much I can't-"

Jimin's words were effectively cut off as he'd felt a pair of lips against his. But not just any lips, HIS mans lips. His favorite lips. The love of his life's lips. Jungkook's lips. Jimin let out a sigh of relief against the singers lips as the kiss lasted for a very needed amount of time. Jungkook's thumbs lovingly wiped Jimin's tears away as he kissed him passionately and Jimin reciprocated with no problem, his fingers grasping Jungkook's shirt in fear of him disappearing.

Taehyung wipes his tears away smiling at the two of them and Jihyun comfortingly rubs his back. Jimin's mom came down and hugged them all thankful they're okay. After the hug she pinched Jungkook's ear and he winced "You made my sons and me cry.." she huffed out a breath and he smiled genuinely hugging her knowing that she was very worried about him, he kissed her forehead gently "I'm sorry Eomeoni, I didn't mean to scare you." Jungkook said as he got up slowly from the floor looking over at Jun in disgust. Unconscious, but at least he was alive. "You're lucky I didn't kill you. I don't need that on my record, however."

He took Jun's phone from him and he placed the phone on ringer, Taehyung dishes through his bag for his phone tracing the call

"Since you're calling me I'll assume you've gotten Jimin away from my boyfriend." Jungkook looked over at Jimin shaking his head as he twirled the gun in his gloved hand "Yeah About that, he didn't." There was silence before an aggravated sigh was made "What did you do?" She asked and Jungkook scoffed "What did I do? I stopped your psychopathic friend here from going after Jimin." Jungkook replies rolling his eyes as this should be obvious "You idiot! I'm going to call the cops- "Yes you do that, and ultimately kiss your chances of me ever talking to you again bye bye. Go ahead. Do it Jis."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and Taehyung lit up as he traced the call "What do you want from me?" She asked and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows "You're very dull. For starters I want you to stay the fuck away from Jimin." The silence let him know she was listening "And if I don't?" She asked, Jungkook smiles mischievously "Then be prepared sweetie. That's all I'm going to say, Bye Now." He hung up the phone smiling with a tint of danger in his eyes "Got you, bitch." He high fives Taehyung kissing Jimin softly looking over at Eomma Park and then he sighed softly "Eomma, I'm going to do something and I'm going to need you to keep Jimin here." Jungkook said and Jimin's eyes widened in response, Eomma's face creased with concern.

"Why must you go?" She asked and he smiled softly at her "I have to go deal with my ex girlfriend who has been threatening Jimin for absolutely no reason other than jealousy and psychosis." Jungkook looked at Jimin who's eyes watered and he shook his head looking at him, Jungkook pulled the boy closer to him and he wrapped his broad arms around his waist "Baby, please stay here where I know you'll be safe." Jungkook said and Jimin shook his head as his eyes overflowed with tears "Jungkook... Jungkook No... please stay here..", Jungkook felt his heart tear seeing him like this but he knows what he's going to do. The singer cupped his smaller's cheeks kissing him passionately as he wipes his tears away letting the kiss linger and explain his emotions to Jimin before he pulled back looking at him, he let out a shaky sigh picking up Jun off the floor carrying him towards the front door.

He gave Jimin a sad smile and a wave before he walked outside, Jimin blinked before he rushed towards the door throwing it open to be hugged and held back by Jihyun "No! Jungkook please don't do this! Stay here with me! Please.." Jungkook looked at Jimin letting out a sigh as his eyes watered, he placed Jun in the trunk before he came over to Jimin cupping his cheeks again. Their lips met and Jungkook felt his heart breaking seeing Jimin reacting like this.

I have to take care of her, if not Jimin won't see the light of day or happiness because of this psycho bitch.

Okay, it's time Jungkook..

Their eyes met and Jungkook embraces himself rubbing Jimin's lip and his cheek gently. "I-I love you..." Jungkook said before he walked to the car Taehyung was waiting for him inside and then they were gone.

Jimin stood there feeling like his heart was ripped out of his chest, Jihyun let him go and his knees gave in causing him to fall straight to the floor watching the car leave.

When you left me, my world burned to the ground... when will I see you again?

Mr Fame and Fortune {Jikook Story}Where stories live. Discover now