28 🐣🐰

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But is this what it feels like to be falling apart..? When did I become the one who's always chasing your heart?..

Jimin gets out of the car once Jihyun parks in front of their house and he still feels giddy from the surprise arena he had no idea about. He followed Jihyun up to the main doors before they saw their Eomma who looked at the two of them "Babies welcome home. I've set up a scavenger hunt while you two were away as I know how much you loved scavenger hunt Jimin.." Jimin's eyes widened at the mention and he smiled brightly "A scavenger hunt!? Eomma..." Jimin hugged her tightly taking a deep breath inhaling her motherly scent feeling her hug him back just as tight placing kisses on his hair "I knew you'd be excited. Here's your lists to find. You've got 20 minutes, Andddddddddd Go!" Jimin and Jihyun exchanged looks as they take off racing to complete the rest of hidden objects. }

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and he purses his lips "Jungkook, do you know what you're going to say?" He asked as to not draw attention to them in Jimin's room, the singer rubbed his hands on his knees shyly taking a deep breath "Y-Yeah. I'm nervous, what if he's instantly upset and doesn't want to hear me out?" Jungkook asked feeling as nervous as he'd imagine people about to propose to be like. That's something I should prepare for too. "That's where I come in Jungkook. If he shoots you down first glance which he probably will do, then I'll come in and put the glue between you two. After that? It's all you buddy. You ready? After the scavenger hunt... you're his surprise, make it right." Jungkook visibly gulped surprised at how emotional and nervous he is. He normally doesn't care about anyone's feelings. Especially after what happened with Jisoo and JooE. "I-I will Taehyung, I will." Jungkook took a breath as his confidence took over just a tad bit and he changed into a formal suit which accented his fluffy hair and his masculinity. He took a couple of seconds to calm his racing heart as he went over what he was going to say, and do.

"3... 2.... 1...! Times up come bring everything you found to your posts! Quickly quickly my sons" Jungkook and Taehyung listened carefully as Eomma Park cheered them on happily. Jimin reaches his post and dumps everything he found from his list seeing Jihyun right behind him "Time! Let's see who found the most on their list." Their Eomma said softly counting through the list "And the winner is.... Jimin! Congratulations baby! You won!" She cheered and he jumped up and down excitedly hugging Jihyun who was a good sport about it "Congratulations Min!" Jihyun cheered and Jimin smiled gently at him.

"Since you won Jimin you get a surprise but this next part is Blind folded. Come, come." Eomma said as Jihyun helped to put the blindfold over Jimin's head, not making it too tight but not making it loose either. "Take my hand Baby, easy. Easy." She coaxed leading him through the house, Taehyung's eyes became alert and he pushed Jungkook through the door following him to the Yard "You know what to do!" He whispered before he ran to his hiding spot giving Jungkook a thumbs up, Jungkook was overcome with nerves before his eyes set on the light of his life and he noticed his different hair color which he looked so good in.

Jungkook took a few deep breaths before he found himself acting from his heart upon seeing the blindfolded Jimin. "Okay Baby, here we go." The blindfold was removed and their eyes instantly locked on each other taking each other in "You.." Jimin blinked surprised to see him wearing a tuxedo-suit and rather speechless to how he even found him "You.." Jungkook responded back fondly as he ran a hand through his hair, Eomma and Jihyun back away giving them two space "Wh-What are you doing here...?" Jimin asked after a while of silence and Jungkook bit his lip taking steps towards him "Jimin... I fought with myself how to say this to you... I wondered how to make you see what I know, but then... I realized with some very smart advice that the best way to go is with the truth... so." Jimin took a few hesitant steps toward him "Uh huh... I'm listening..."

He gave him the 'Okay' to continue "So, I want you to know.. that what Jisoo told you is a lie." Jimin's eyes widened before the hurt seeped in and he shook his head "N-Not this again, I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about this." Jimin said turning to leave and Jungkook sprinted towards him grasping his hand "Jimin! Please for the love of all things banana milk, hear me out.." The singer pleaded and it tugged at Jimin's heart strings because he already established he loves him. The smaller sighed shakily before turning around to look at him "Okay. Talk." Jimin said timidly meeting his gaze "Jisoo... is a liar Jimin.. that pregnancy test... it's fake, or if it's real it's not mine. Me and her never went serious." Jungkook said and Jimin winced not wanting to hear this "So?" Jimin snapped unable to help himself.

"So?? Jimin... you're right. You said something about me when we got to know each other and you're right. I'm a Virgin, I never even had sex.. especially not with her." Jungkook said and Jimin blinked looking at him surprised but tense "You know we broke up? Wanna know why? I'll tell you why. Because she had her boyfriend before me, knock her up while we were dating to try and tell me she was pregnant with my child knowing damn well I didn't have any kids, and then when I declined she and her .. best friend JooE had their crew jump me.." Jimin gasped at this information not having heard it before and his features softened looking at him.

"Jimin, I vowed that I would never speak of love if it doesn't exist. But you're the only exception.. You are the only exception, you are the only exception. Without you I'd feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you I've got no hand to hold. Jimin... you're the best thing that's ever happened in my life." Jungkook said and Jimin watched him with slight watery eyes, Jungkook pulled out a bouquet of roses as he smiled at Jimin "Its not going to be easy, in fact. It's going to be very hard. But I want to work at this because I want you. I want to do this because I want us, I want you.. I want it all. Forever. Everyday until forever."Jimin watched him silently as he'd recited The Notebook, Jimin's favorite movie. "Look Jimin, I guess what I'm trying to say to you is that..... I love you. Jimin, I love you..."Jungkook confessed and Jimin's tears overflowed.

"God I never thought I'd hear you say those words..." he said softly before he's throwing himself into the bigger's arms crying into his chest, Jungkook sighed softly resting his face in the smaller's hair "Thank god, I got my baby back. I meant every word Jimin." Jungkook said softly also tearing up hugging Jimin back inhaling his scent "Fuck, I've missed you..." Jungkook whispered into his ear. "I know, I missed you too." Jimin said softly and they stayed like that for a little while.

Something's never change, like the love that I feel for him. Somethings never change, like how I'm holding on tight to you

Mr Fame and Fortune {Jikook Story}Where stories live. Discover now