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"Hey, brat! Wake up!" Jason yells while banging on Nick's door.

Nick stretches out his arms and yawns.

"No, mom.. I don't want to get up.." Nick groggily says, trying to fall back to sleep.

"If you don't get up and open this door, I have no choice but to get the key to it and barge in there!"

Nick eyes snap open when he realizes that he isn't in the big house anymore and that his mother wasn't the one waking him up.

But instead, it was his stepbrother.

He got up, groaning before opening the door.

He saw his stepbrother waiting outside.

Jason's hair was wet, probably had showered already, and had a white tank top on with black sweatpants.

Nick wasn't sure if he was checking him out or not, he just felt so tired at this moment.

Jason walks up to him, giving him the softest tap he can make. "Wake up, baby face. Time to teach you some stuff, so come on." Jason gestures Nick to follow him, in which the younger obeyed and followed Jason downstairs.

He still felt a bit sleepy and couldn't make his eyes open for far too long.

And before he knew it, he was already falling down, losing balance.

Jason obviously didn't see this because he was ahead, and was just pushed forward at the heavy impact put on him.


He was about to fall and also lose balance, but he was able to grab on to the sides of the stairs.

"Fucking son of a bitch–"

He breathes out while holding onto Nick's sleeping form.

Jason groans in frustration.

He lifted Nick up bridal style and went downstairs to the kitchen.

He then put him down, making him stand up despite from his sleepiness.

"I said fucking wake up!" Jason yells before shaking the younger furiously.

Nick flinches at this, feeling more awake now. "I'm awake! I'm awake! P-please stop." And Jason did just that.

Jason lets go of him.

"I need you to be fully awake for this one, so you better be awake. I swear to fucking god." Jason states while going to the stove and gesturing for the younger to come.

Nick comes toward him.

"I'm teaching you how to cook." Jason states which made Nick's eye widen.

"B-but, I might hurt myself.." Nick tried to reason with him, but he didn't budge.

"Don't care, now follow my instructions." Jason says, face bored, forcing himself to teach Nick to cook.

His step-mother asked him nicely to teach Nick. Because apparently, when she tried to teach him, he would just give up and say he doesn't want to get hurt or doesn't want to make the food taste bad. His mom just said back 'okay, you don't have to do it if you don't want to.'

Come on dude, he's a grown ass man-

What a baby.

Jason snorts at the thought, which made Nick look at him, eyes saying questions.

Jason shakes his head and continued to teach the younger how to cook an egg.


"It sucks."

I Hate You Step-bro {ᴅᴅʟʙ}Where stories live. Discover now