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Nick sniffles and wipes the tears from his flushed face.

He was still crouched down on the concrete floor, trembling a bit out of fear.

His brain is making him imagine about scary things.

Stupid horror film.

Stupid Callum for suggesting it.

Nick pouts as he just hid his face on his knees so he doesn't imagine anymore things to scare himself.

He was silently minding his own business when suddenly, he heard a car approaching.

His eyes widen in fright.

Now he was scared shitless.

Before he was at least able to calm himself down because he knew that he was possibly imagining ghosts and shit, but now, this was actually real. There was an actual car parking in front of their apartment.

He didn't know what to do.

So he just cried.



"Finally arrived." Jason smiled to himself as he parks his car.

He missed the younger.

It's only been like, a few hours, dude.

Jason again ignores the voice.

As he was to stop the car after he parked, he saw a figure sitting near his and Nick's apartment door.

It was kind of dark so he couldn't really see who it was.

But the dark figure was shivering and was crying.

Even though the crying was almost silent, it is still heard at the apartment now empty hallway.

Jason furrowed his eyebrows as he froze inside the car.


You scared?


I'm just wondering if it's a really ghost that I'm seeing or just some lost child.

Still, it looks creepy sitting down like that in the dark, alone.

Jason silently agreed.

But he knew he couldn't just sit here in his car all night waiting.

So he gathered enough courage to approach the figure.

Jason got off the car.

When he closed his car door, the noise seems to startle the dark figure and made it cry even more.

Jason then felt bad and continued his plan to walk over to the figure.

When he was near enough to take in it's appearance, his eyes widen.

He ran over to the figure and grabbed his shoulders, gently shaking it.

"Nick?" Jason called out for the crying Nick.

Nick looks up from his knees, and the sight made Jason's heart break a little.

He had a flushed face and bloodshot eyes.

His lips were pale and he was shivering.

I mean, it is freezing out here.

But why didn't he go in the house though? He has a key.

Shut up.

"J-Jayjay.." Nick stutters.

Jason then picked him up from the ground and hugged him, transferring all his body to Nick.

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