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"Let's go play the basketball game!" Nick says excitedly as he runs to his favorite game.

Jason follows behind while chuckling. "You've grown to love this game even though you're not even that good at playing it?" Jason says teasingly.

Nick pouts. "I don't know why either, I just like it." He shrugs before turning toward the machine. "Especially when I'm playing it with you, makes it more exciting and fun." He admits shyly, hiding a blush.

Jason can't help the big smile playing on his face when he heard that sentence. "Oh, really? How so?"

Nick pouts while making a thinking face. "Hm.. I don't have a particular reason if I'm being honest.."

Jason decided to just drop it, as his mind wonders back to trying to confess again.

Nick was busy shooting hoops, only getting a few balls in.

"Do I have to teach you again?" Jason said from behind him.

He turns around and awkwardly laugh. "Please?"

Jason goes behind Nick as he grabs a basketball from Nicks hand, wrapping his arms around him in the process.

He easily shoots a ball right in the hoop without making much effort.

Nick widen his eyes in amazement and claps his hands happily at Jason. "How can you do that so easily??" He complains.

Jason just laughs at him and shrugs. "I don't know, got used to it."

"Teach me again!"

Jason gives him a look.

"Please?" Nick smiles cheekily.

Jason nods and goes to grab Nick's hands that were holding a ball. "Okay.. this is what you are going to do."

Nick gulps as Jason's face gets closer to his.

Jason's head was practically on his shoulder, very, very near Nick's line of sight.

He was explaining something but, Nick's mind couldn't really focus on what he was saying.

Nick slowly moves his head to the side, looking at Jason's side view.


Nick forgot how to breath for a second.

Jason was so handsome–

"And then you shoot!" He hears Jason say as the older shoots the ball right in the hoop using Nick's hands.

Just as he did that, he smiled, which only made Nick's heart skip more beats.

Jason the looks at Nick, to find him staring intently at him with a weird expression on his face that caused his smile to instantly drop.

They stayed still like that for a few more seconds, captivated to one another.

Do it already!—

Do it- do it- do it-

Jason slowly brings his face closer while closing his eyes.

Nick was lost in the moment as well so he too closed his eyes when Jason was getting closer and closer.

And then, their lips touched.

Something ignited inside Nick, his stomach filled with butterflies as his feelings bloomed even more.

Nick, of course, wasn't used to kissing so he was a little sloppy.

But Jason made sure to guide him and take control of the kiss so it isn't too messy.

Jason couldn't help but wrap his arms around Nick's small waist and brought him closer.

Soon after, they pulled away.

Nick looked away while he had a flustered expression on while Jason had on the biggest smile he had ever given to anyone before.

Nick was still blushing hard as he looked away.

Jason gently grabbed the younger's chin with his free hand and made him face towards him while his other hand was still wrapped around his waist.

Jason grins as he pressed his forehead on Nick's lovingly. "I don't know if you'd notice but.. I like you." He laughs.

Nick couldn't help but crack a smile and laugh. "Yeah.. I noticed.." He says softly while looking down, still not giving Jason's face a glance.


Then why would you kiss me in the first place, lol.

"And I take that as you like me too?.." Jason said, a bit too cockily.

Nick shyly nods.

Jason wasn't satisfied with that so he again made Nick look up at him by bringing his chin up. "With words, please? And maybe some eye contact?" Jason said with a pout.

Nick exhaled heavily, looking up, and confidently said. "Yes. I do like you too."

A big happy smile forms on Jason's face.

He hugs the younger, snuggling his head on Nick's neck.

Nick laughs. "That tickles!"

"Aw, that's so cute, look at those guys!"

Nick's face flushes as he saw two female workers looking at them.

Jason pulls away while coughing.

The worker slaps her friend's shoulder. "Why did you have to say that out loud? We shouldn't bother them and get to work now."

Her friend sighs, annoyed. "Fiiiine.."

They both pass the two stepbrothers while giggling. "You guys look cute together! Fighting! Make sure to not mind whatever mean things some people say to y'all!"

After that, they speed walked away from the two.

Nick furrows his eyebrows at them, a bit startled, but took their advice to heart.

"Let's go home, it's getting late." Jason said, wrapping a protective arm on Nick's shoulder.

Nick nods with a smile. "Okay!"


As they walk on the parking lot, shoulder to shoulder, Jason decided to ask one more thing. "So, does that make us boyfriends now?"

Nick nods slowly. "I think so. Yeah." He says, giving Jason a smile before looking back in front of him.

Jason still felt a little uneasy about something. "You don't think it's wrong?.. that we're stepbrothers and dating."

Nick frowns, looking more like a pout. "I dont know.. is it a bad thing?.." Nick said innocently with a worried look on his face.

"If it was, would you not agree on being with me?..." Jason asked teasingly.

Nick's pout deepens as his gaze goes down on the concrete floor. "I don' want to leave you though.."

Even though it was just a mumble, Jason still heard it, and it made his heart skip a beat.

"If I liked you very much, I wouldn't mind what other people think. I know I'm sensitive and stuff about other people's opinions.. but I wouldn't let them make me rethink of being together with you." Nick's words reassured Jason.

"If you say so." Jason said with a smile.

I love you..



Sorry it's short— I tried to update as soon as possible for you guys

I have been busy with stuff, so yeah-

Hope you enjoyed it anyways

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