Chapter 1

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Niall's POV

It was Monday morning I was practicing football with my team mates for our game coming this saturday. I was about to kick the ball to goal when I noticed a boy sitting on the bleachers with Harry and Liam. His brown almost black eyes lock to mine. As the ball was snatched from me.

"What happened to you Horan?" Coach said

"Um sorry got distracted coach" I said

He sighed "Alright that's enough boys now go shower and head back to the school building" he said

All of us went to the locker room as I was finished showering and quickly dressed I headed out of the locker room as I saw the boy again in the bleachers our eyes locking at me again. I walked towards him as he noticed me hi blushed. A smile crept on my face I was infront of him.

"Hey I couldn't notice your staring at me?" I said

"Oh um I'm always here very morning watching you guys practice" he said as he looks at his lap

"Oh" I said

"Yeah well I better get going now my friends are waiting for me" he said as he stood up and walked away from me

I looked at him he was wearing a black polo shirt plain and tight black jeans with black converse? So much for the black apparel ey? He was wearing thick nerdy glasses well he look kinda hipster.

"Oi Niall" Louis said cutting me from my trance

"What?" I said

"Zayn's already waiting for us yeah?" he said

"Yeah" I said as I jogged to him

"Who was that boy?" I asked

"Who? The one wearing all blakc with the nerdy glasses?" he said

"Yeah" I said

"Oh! He's Mijo he's somewhat popular at the juniors some rumors said he was mysterious and always hangs out with Harry and Liam" he said

"Oh" I said

"Why did you ask?" he said

"Well I asked him what he was doing here and he said he was always here watching our practice" I said

"Well the boys creepy a little bit isn't he?" he said

"Not really yah know? He just watches us" I said

"Us? More likely you" Louis said

"Huh?" I said raising an eyebrow

"Well looks like he eyes you like a hawk" he said

"Nah" I said

As we walked through the school building doors we saw Zayn standing already waiting for us as we went to our lockers and got our books. I saw him again but this time his face was blank he was walking and Liam and Harry was at his side and everyone was giving them spaces to walk.

"Hey why does everyone seems to be afraid of them?" I asked

"Well if you'll asked me mate I don't really know either" Zayn said leaning on his locker as we watched the three of them passed by us and he took a glance at me I smiled at him as I saw a smile crept on his face.

"Looks like you catch an another victim aren't you spider?" Louis said

"I don't think so?" I said but sounding more like a question

"I'll give you a hundred pounds if you can make that boy fall in love with you" Louis said

"Yeah" Zayn said

"Guys you already know I'm the schools player I slept with every boy and girl who I can have in this school plus I think he already knows that" I said

"Well are you afraid of losing the bet?" Louis said teasing

"No of course not and I'm sure I'll get that hundred pounds" I said

We walked to our next class as my eyes widened as I saw the three of them sitting at the back I leaned closer to Zayn's ear and whisper.

"What are they doing here?" I asked

"Well it seems like they're taking this class also" he said

As our Math teacher Mr. Filder gestured us to take our sits and stood up from his desk.

"Okay class I know some of you are wondering why are there juniors here" he said

"As you can see those three boys at the back are exceeding through their grades and they already took this for their advance credits next year" he said

My jaw almost dropped what! These boys were smart also and that's not the most shocking part I thought they were popular for being fancy but no these boys don't look like the smart ones to what they're wearing. Most likely Harry wears like a rock star while Liam wears some fancy gentleman look while Mijo looks like a hipster and something is really mysterious about him but I'm willing to know more about him when I let him fall to my web and I'm going to win that bet.

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